

What did you just read, is this some kind of joke? So many thoughts, right? Yes, that is an actual word in German, or it was until 2013. This 63-character term alluded to a “law delegating beef label monitoring” in the German Language.

It was abolished by an EU directive. You’ve been told German is a hard language to learn, or perhaps you just felt that way when you heard a native speaker? Does the ominous word above reinforce your suspicions? But…

Is it difficult to learn German Language?

No, the idea that learning German is difficult is wrong. Language takes time and dedication to learn. The German language is the same way.

All it takes is enough motivation and hard work to achieve your goals. And if you’re not sure where to start, we’ve put together some guidelines in this post that can help you learn German quickly. Let’s be honest here, learning German will be more difficult for Chinese people than for English native speakers.

This is because German is a member of the Germanic languages family of Indo-European languages, which shares similarities with other Germanic languages like English and Dutch.

Why should someone learn German? 

Here we list some reasons we feel it is important to learn German, categorized into various groups.

Making Money 

  1. Germany is the second-largest exporter globally.
  2. Germany’s economy is number one in Europe and fourth globally. Its economy is comparable to the combined economies of all Spanish-speaking countries globally.
  3. Several multinational firms have their headquarters in Germany.
  4. Germany has made over 10 billion dollars indirect investment in the United States.

German Language knowledge

The number of native German speakers in Germany is astronomically large (far more than any other European language) and stands at a huge margin relative to other languages. The number of native German speakers in Germany is astronomically large (far more than any other European language) and stands at a huge margin relative to other languages.

German is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also a Central and Eastern European language. You might have heard the claim that “all Germans speak English anyway”? That is a complete fabrication; please do not harbor such beliefs. Each language is unique. 

Scientists across the three major German-speaking countries have won 22 Nobel Prizes in Physics, 30 in Chemistry, and 25 in Medicine. The Nobel Prize for Literature has been given to 11 authors of German-language books, and the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to seven Germans and Austrians. You might have definitely read about these people in grade physics and chemistry.

Achievements of German people

  1. Engineers from Germany are world leaders and in high demand. Heard of Volkswagen?
  2. German and English have a lot in common since the two languages share the same “grandparent,” many German words sound and look similar to English ones.
  3. The German-speaking part of the world has produced some of the most acclaimed filmmakers, from Fritz Lang through Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Wim Wenders, and a new generation of phenomenal directors like Tom Tykwer and Fatih Akin the twentieth century. Lang, Billy Wilder, and Ernst Lubitsch were German and Austrian directors who shaped Hollywood’s history. Their films are masterpieces.


  1. Goethe, Marx, Nietzsche, and Kafka were all German, as were Mann, Brecht, and Grass. Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert, Brahms, Schumann, Wagner, Mahler, and Schoenberg. Other luminaries like Freud, Weber, Einstein, and Heisenberg, Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger, all spoke and wrote German.
  2. German is the world’s second most widely spoken scientific lingo and contributes heavily to academic work. That itself speaks volumes about the language.

Around a quarter of the world’s books are from Germany, and only a few of these are ever translated into English.

Germany holds the key to getting a world-class education in all fields.

Many of the most important works of philosophy, literature, music, art history, theology, psychology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and Medicine in the Western world were published in German. It feels amazing to read a piece of work in the original language so that nothing is lost in translation.

What is the time duration to learn German?

Learning German can be challenging, especially if you are a natural speaker of a language that is not in the Indo-European family. But, no matter what your first language is, and even if German appears complicated at first, don’t give up!

If you’re wondering if there are any shortcuts or specialized strategies to learn German, we’ve listed a few in this tutorial that will help you make faster progress. No set amount of time can guarantee your success in learning German, but persistence is the most crucial factor. You will not wake up one day and be able to talk fluently in German.

That’s something that you’d only see in a movie. You’ll see results quickly if you take one step at a time. Learning a new language takes a tremendous amount of time depending on various factors such as prior experience and exposure to the language, resilience, effort put into the learning process, motivation, etc. However, if you practise regularly for at least three to six months, you should be able to hold a proper conversation with a buddy and do tasks such as entering a cafe and ordering in German or taking the local transport.

Though some people struggle more than others and take longer to reach that level, this is usually because of a lack of effort and daily practice. It will undoubtedly take a few years of training to speak German fluently, but we want to get started, right?

Easy ways to learn the language: 

Here’s how to learn the German language quickly and easily:

  1. Find an exciting cause to keep you motivated, say you want to visit the country one day.
  2. Learn everything there is to know about the language. Watch some films! This is a great way to understand the culture of a place and see some of the beautiful locations in the country.
  3. Learn slang, uncommon words, and idioms to keep things interesting and to sound like a pro.
  4. Practice daily. Speak with native German speakers.
  5. It is said that understanding the fundamentals is the key to success. So, if you’re wondering where to learn German as a total novice, we recommend starting with the letters for obvious reasons. The German language, like English, contains 26 letters. There are a few letters that have no English pronunciation: ä,ö,ü, and ü, but you won’t find these letters in the Alphabet. Practice pronouncing them correctly; it will help you alter your accent dramatically.


What makes you think a language is complex? Isn’t it just a matter of grammar?

Grammar is typically a headache for anyone learning a new language, which is not unique to the German language. However, if you master this section, you’ll be speaking German fluently in no time. Prasens, Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futur I, and Futur II are the six tenses in German.

In English, Präsens refers to the Present tense, Präteritum to Perfect tenses, Plusquamperfekt to Past Perfect.

Futur I. represent the Future tense.

Futur II comprises the Future perfect, as well as the words “will” and “have.”

This relationship isn’t perfect, but it will make it easier for you to understand German grammar if you look at the tenses in this way. They have four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive). The 16 forms that “the” of English takes on German in different instances and genders are tricky in German that many people frequently mention. Die (for feminine nouns), der (for masculine nouns), and das (for both genders) are the three noun prepositions in German (for neutral gender). Every time you learn an unfamiliar word in the German language, you must also know what preposition goes before it. It may perplex because a biological gender does not always correspond to its linguistic gender.

With exceptions, some rules determine which noun gets which article. There’s no reason to get too worked up over this. Although you must learn them all mechanically, much of this grammar essential will make sense to you shortly.

Some easy-to-use phrases and expressions

When learning a new language, you don’t want to start with all the grammar rules and other nuances that come with it.

Apart from the desire to enhance your knowledge, language learning is also all about the fun and entertainment factor. To accomplish so, you’ll need to start with a question that makes you wonder what’s next, catch your attention, and ignite your motivation.

There is no better approach to learning German than learning a few words and everyday expressions such as saying hello, or asking for something. This will offer you a sense of accomplishment and increase your confidence.

Funny expressions, too!

Let’s have a little more fun with this, because why not? Like every other language, there are phrases in German that sound funny when translated directly into English.

In English, for example, what do you call someone who pees outside the toilet?

There is no unique term for these people in English, but in German, they are known as “Wildpinkler,” which translates to “wild pee-er.”

Let’s look at the idioms. 

“If you want to learn the German language, think like a German,” you’ve probably heard this being said often. 

To put it another way, you must comprehend a statement beyond its obvious meaning. In English, for example, they say, “I’m out of gas,” yet no one is rushing out of nowhere.

It simply shows that there isn’t enough gas in the car. These are idioms, and there are a lot of them in Germany. Idioms are nothing more than symbolic statements.

In some ways, they reveal a country’s social and cultural history. Although an English idiom may sound similar to a German phrase, they are often opposed. The English expression “piece of cake,” for example, alludes to anything we completed with ease and satisfaction. Its “Das Schaffer itch met links” in German, which translates to “I could do that with my left hand.”

As a result, understanding idioms will provide you with a more creative way of expressing yourself.

Slang words to become a pro

If you’re on the streets of Berlin and can’t understand what others are saying, slang idioms will come in handy.

Henry Harvin provides a great German language course; you can check them out 

Let’s look at some of the critical features of the German language course: 

Course structure

E-Learning + Bootcamps + Hackathons + Gold Membership + Training + Projects + Internship + Certification + Placement + Hackathons + Gold Membership

Integrierter Lehrplan

The German Language Course’s curriculum is based on the CEFR and will prepare students for significant German Language Exams such as the DSH, TestDaF, and Goethe-Institut.

Methods of learning 

  • Follows the GCAO curriculum
  • 100% practical learning 

Tech access 

On the go, you can use the proprietary Learning Management System (LMS). Using the login credentials, download the Moodle app on your phone and have access to the Certified German Language Course at your fingertips.

Why Henry Harvin German language course is beneficial:

Exposure to Millions of Jobs Around the World in the German Language Course Arena

After completing a German Language Training Course, you can earn a lot of money as a freelancer or full-time professional.

Technical and professional growth will help you improve your CV and LinkedIn profile.

Differentiate yourself from your colleagues and be promoted with the most in-demand skills in your current position.

Make a statement with the German Language Training Course Completion Certification.

Job security is improved, and there are more opportunities for advancement.

Boost your job prospects in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and other EU countries.

What Germany is like: 

The culture

Germany has a diverse cultural heritage. It was the home of many intellectuals and historical events for centuries. They influenced and formed the old continent of Europe’s civilization and the entire world’s culture. I can find their imprints across the globe and throughout history.

The Demography

With approximately 81 million people, Germany is Europe’s second-most populous country, after only Russia. Germans account for 91 per cent of the population, with Turkish making up the largest minority group at 2.4 per cent. 70% say they are Christians, 3.7 per cent say they are Muslims, and the rest say they don’t belong to a religion or have a faith that isn’t Christian or Muslim.

The people

Germans have a reputation for being hard workers. They value perfection and dislike making excuses or jokes about it. Their demeanour seems chilly and unpleasant at first, yet they are decent individuals in the end. They are passionate about cuisine; thus, it’s no surprise that they have many classic meals. Beer is their preferred beverage. Germans drink 106 litres of beer per capita per year, which places them third in the world. Germany manufactures about 300 different baked bread.

The Festivals

One of the significant festivities held in Germany is Oktoberfest, the most incredible celebration of their favourite beverage, beer. The Berlin Cinema Festival brings together superstars from the film and art worlds from all over the world.

Excellence in the field of Science

The Germans excel in the building and automotive industries, making them one of the world’s most formidable competitors in these fields. We may find their influence on historical architecture all over Europe (Romanesque buildings, Gothics, Classicists, Baroque, Rococo and Renascences). There are primarily historic castles and religious artefacts. Germany’s tallest church is the Cathedral of Ulm, 161.53 metres.

People like Einstein and Mozart were born in many notable intellectuals who left their stamp on history and donated to the world. We recognize Germany as “The Land of Writers and Thinkers” (the country of poets and thinkers).

German Cuisine 

Another thing that will make you fall in love with Germany is its traditional delectable cuisine.

Don’t commit these language mistakes: 

Language tutors will always tell you to make mistakes if you want to learn a language quickly. There’s no need to be self-conscious about it because making mistakes can help you pinpoint your problems and conquer them.

When people learn a second language other than their mother tongue, they encounter several common English natives. Mispronunciation causes these blunders or incorrectly connecting a word to your tongue. When you say “bekommen,” it may conjure up images of the phrase “to become,” but it refers to the act of receiving something. These are referred to as “fake pals.” Pay attention, then.

Prepositions are another common blunder made by persons learning German. There are no general rules for this, so you’ll have to rely on your recollection. But don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it, and everything will come effortlessly to you. For instance, “Nach Hause” shows “to the house,” whereas “Zu Hause” denotes “to the house as a location.” A word-for-word translation is another blunder. The structure of sentences in German may differ from that of your native tongue.

Key Takeaways 

It takes time to learn a language, and you must be patient with yourself. Using a tutorial like Henry Harvin German language course can help you learn a language faster and achieve your goals sooner than you expect.

However, keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning German because people know differently. So look for a learning method that works best for you.

Pronunciation is always a challenge when learning a language, so make sure you view many YouTube videos to get your ears adjusted to hearing German. Download and listen to German songs with lyrics regularly. Carry a portable dictionary with you and jot down any words that come to mind that you’d like to learn in German.

Remember that there are a lot of individuals learning German, so attempt to connect with them and share your language skills. It’s a great way to practice, track your progress, and meet new people.

Many internet forums exist where ambitious students can debate ways to learn German while also practicing the language. Please take part in topics by joining them. Make this a good time. It’s a well-known fact that when you’re having fun, your brain memorizes and links information, so strive to keep yourself entertained.

Consider paying for online classes if you want to speed up the process. Check out our reviews of some of the best online German language courses and websites.

Inertia is a universal law; you may struggle at first, but once you go, stopping becomes difficult. There is no greater pleasure than engaging your intellect and solving a complex problem.

Enjoy the journey, not just the result. Take a chance. You can both educate and entertain yourself.

Finally, continuous practice is all that is required.

 Recommended Reads


Q1. Is the German Language Course difficult to learn?

Ans. Learning the language is easy. They ensure the students have kept the subject correctly and straightforwardly that everyone can understand and articulate. The students are guided with great care and provided with all necessary training. Henry Harvin’s approach guarantees it.

Q2. What is the duration of the German Language Course?

Ans.. Henry Harvin offers the most excellent course module, designed to ensure that students study the entire module and complete the course in a short period. When the learner follows the directions carefully, they will master the language in the allotted time.

Q3. Is it beneficial to study German?

Ans. German is one of the most popular languages globally, and it is in high demand worldwide. As a result, it is beneficial to everyone attempting to gain the language and remain competitive. Aside from that, learning a language looks great on a resume and can be helpful in any industry.

Q4. Who is eligible to take the German Language Course?

Ans. The German Language Course is open to everyone interested in learning a new language and strongly desires to do so. It’s also useful for people studying German for tests like the DSH, the Testa, and the Goethe-Institute Examination.
Earn Henry Harvin® German Language Certification after completing the Program. Please post it on social media, frame it, and your industry value will rise. Check the website to learn more about Henry Harvin’s language course.

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