A boss has the title, a leader has the people 

                 –Simon Sinek

In my 15 years of life experience , I have encountered many different flavors of Leadership.  Some are strong-willed and autocratic. Their leadership style is “Do as I say.” They make all the decisions with little input from team members. Few leaders follow the democratic style, they are more likely to ask “What do you think?”. They also consider opinions of others before making a final decision, and most of the leaders fall in between of them.


Today i am going to tell Why leadership is the Best Junior Teen MBA Skills .

What is Leadership?

A simple defination is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.  Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration for and director of the action. They are the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills to make others want to follow their direction

Why is Leadership is important for teens?

1. Team Building

One of the main goals of student leadership is team biulding. Of course, there are classes, groups, and friends. They all boost a student’s ability to work as part of a team.

However, student leadership gives people much more than that. Being a part of a team is very important. You have a role to fulfill.

Most of the time, you’ve been told what to do, and you know your responsibility is to do it right. It is great to be creative and full of initiative. However, the only one you are really in charge of is your own self.

2. Setting Role Models

Generally, teenagers don’t tend to like adult authority, so a leader of their age often becomes an example to follow.

If the school chooses a leader (or better, lets the students choose one), this is a great alternative to those who gained power by force.

Have you noticed that many young employees, as clever and trained as they are, simply can’t lead other people? One may say that the reason for this is that nobody wants to be led by a young, inexperienced person.

3. Developing Leadership Skills Can Facilitate Personal Growth

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

It’s a powerful quote that gets tossed around all the time, it means that it’s up to you to take responsibility for the world you want to live in. It’s up to you to make the type of world that you want to live in. And learning how to be a leader in school is a fantastic opportunity to start that shift.

4. You’ll Be a Better Student

Are you wondering how important leadership skills can translate to better grades? Upon further inspection, it makes total sense.

Leadership revolves around three core components: Responsibility, accountability, and dependability.

You’ll need responsibility to help you own your mistakes, like a lack of studying. Accountability can keep you honest when you’re not making the best use of your time.

Dependability shows your fellow students and professors that they can count on you, whether it’s helping out with your organization or turning in great work.


As you can see, the importance of leadership skills extends far beyond what many think.

A quality leader is someone who knows themselves, their surroundings, and their peers.

A leader knows how to deliver real, actionable results and affect positive change in a way that benefits all.

But most of all, a leader is someone who has what it takes the change the world. This is why Leadership is the best Teen MBA skill.

– Uttkarsh Srivastava

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