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Instructional Design Interview Questions – The new modern era is monitoring many new routes to career-building and work-from-home opportunities for individuals in this global pandemic circumstance. The instructional design course is one of them. It allows you to create, explore and develop new e-learning strategies that will instruct individuals to achieve the desired career goal.

An instructional design is a systematic way of developing well-structured and creative instruction material using objectives related to educational programs, military, and health care support systems for systematic feedback and evaluation. 

An instructional design course marks the use of advanced technologies, tools, and multimedia to enhance systematic learning instructions. The main purpose of the instructional design course is to build connection, engagement, and spread motivation among the learners and organizations. 

Nowadays, almost everyone out there is preparing for Instructional Design Interview Questions. Essentially, interviews are conducted to examine and identify the candidate’s capability, potential, and passion for their career advancement. Here are some of the topmost commonly asked Instructional Design Course Interview Questions. This will guide you to clear any interview or instructional design course interview and helps to boost your confidence. 

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Some Common Instructional Design Interview Questions: 

1. Tell us about your experience in the field of instructional design?

The interviewer wants to know about your post-work experience before you start working on new projects.

Tell them about your work experience on an instructional design project and your position. Be confident and sure about the job you are applying for. You should do complete research for the job and company. You can prepare a customized portfolio of previous work that will help you to stand out from the crowd and shows how you can be applicable for a new position.

2. Tell us about your favourite instructional design process?

This is a little bit of a lengthy question that has been asked by an interviewer. The interviewer wants to understand your knowledge and experience of the instructional designing process.

You should mention the process precisely and in a customized way. It has been categorized into three levels, first of all, outline the top-notch instructional design tools and techniques that you have been used and understand. Secondly, discuss the process to the point where you have been used. Thirdly, give a brief description of the typical workday and highlight the prioritized elements of the process by pointing out the major principles, theories, and models.

3. Why do you work as an instructional designer?

In This instructional design interview questions, the interviewer wants to know your ability and passion for instructional design. This question allows you to talk about your enthusiasm, passion, artistic skills, creative designing skills, and interest in e-learning tools and techniques. The interviewer wants to examine your dedication level towards your job and your enjoyment of helping others in learning.

4. How do you make the course curriculum engaging?

An interviewer asks this question to check your communication skills and your personality traits. However, the student’s engagement while learning is the key point that emphasizes the student’s performance growth. 

In front of the interviewers, express yourself comfortably by showing examples from your portfolio that demonstrate the e-learning tools and techniques which have been used to increase the student’s engagement effectively.

5. How do you teach an instructor about the use of a new e-learning platform?

As an instructional designer, you must have technical knowledge and skills to make a course for students’ comprehension and the administrative skills to design a course curriculum that has to be taught by other teachers or instructors systematically.

The interviewer asks this type of tricky question to acknowledge your abilities as an advanced instructional designer. While answering the question your approach should be thoughtful and generous. You can illustrate new e-learning methods and discuss the specific instructional method such as instructional videos, written guides, and direct one-on-one training with tech support. Describe the challenges and problems that you have been cleared and solved by giving practical examples.

6. Describe a learning program you designed using the ADDIE process?

In this instructional design interview questions.  The ADDIE is the most popularly used e-learning process that stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. 

The interviewer is examining your management skill while designing instructional projects with the ADDIE process. This model includes prototyping and iterative development.

The ADDIE process covers all the steps from the analysis of the project to the evaluation of the project. 

From time to time every e-learning process and instructional designing method has been upgraded. The interviewer wants to understand how you can help others for better performance. 

While answering, be sure and aware of the capability to identify and fulfill the effectiveness of teaching and learning needs with impactful solutions. 

8. What metrics do you use to determine your course design success?

Many institutions hire instructional designers for the results that they can accomplish. The instructional design phase is only half of the complete picture and the other half of the picture is a measurement of the results. 

Instructional design courses succeed in designing courses with advanced e-learning tools and techniques that have pre-determined objectives of learning and ways to measure if those objectives are united. Be sure to discuss how you will analyze results and what software tools and metrics you will use for your analysis.

While answering this question, you should present a previous work sample. Specifically, mention the key performance indicators that you have chosen for the previous project and then display the outcomes based on the project analysis. Do not be shy to share your experience with your failed projects. This will be the plus point if you showcase a project design that had unexpected outcomes and what you did to remedy the situation. It is a significant part of the design process to be able to repair failures and make corrections based on the project analysis. This shows that you can design a program with success goals in mind.

9. Tell us your work experience as a team member?

Nevertheless, instructional design is teamwork rather than a solo effort. Most of the project work has been done by members of an internal team, perhaps including other stakeholders from various groups and subject matter experts. 

Be sure while answering this question, if you are not a socializing person it may not be the best career option for you. In this work scenario, you have to work with a team and everyday interaction, discussion, and consultancy are mandatory.

10. Can you create a storyboard?

By asking these instructional design interview questions, the interviewer wants to understand your knowledge about the storyboard and why it is important? How you can use the storyboard.

First of all, briefly explain a storyboard that is a chronological sequence of images or sketches, or illustrations to outline the scenes planned for your work. The storyboard is used to move forward the instructional design project. It is a series of thumbnails that conveys an effectful and clear message.

11. Do you create more than one prototype?

The instructional design course project works require more than one prototype for project approval. The interviewer is looking for your flexible work schedule when there is a need for multiple iterations of a project design that are reviewed for approval.

While answering these instructional design interview questions, you must point out some examples of the prototype from your portfolio. If you haven’t worked on a project that required multiple prototypes then you can take one prototype model and create an alternative prototype to show your capability to illustrate a successful project. 

12. How do you approach working with subject matter experts?

Subject matter experts are widely utilized in instructional design. As an instructional designer, you must have an effective approach to managing your relationship with the subject matter expert. 

The interviewer asks this type of question to know about your communication skills and management skills. The interviewer wants to know how you can work with the subject matter expert.

While answering the instructional design interview questions, mention your previous successful project and briefly discuss your work experience with the subject matter experts. Demonstrates the full process of cold-calling a subject matter expert by giving critical database examples.

13. Tell us about your complicated working experience with a subject matter expert?

The interviewer asks this instructional design interview questions to detect how you will approach while getting information from subject matter experts, even if difficult ones, and if you can convert expert knowledge into understandable course content. 

Explain your previous complicated successful project with the subject matter expert and how you get cooperation from the subject matter expert and how you will manage the relationship with your subject matter expert.

14. Which technologies and tools are you comfortable with?

The interviewer wants to know your technical proficiency. So, comfortably tell them about your graphic designing and editing tools, photoshop, and storyline presentation. If you have web development skills then mention that it will help you to stand out from the crowd.

15. Which Instructional design theories and models do you use?

The interviewer wants to understand and identify your knowledge about popular instructional design tools.

Confidentiality mentions a few theories and models that are specifically used in instructional design. Likewise, ADDIE, SAM, Gagne’s Events, Bloom taxonomy, Cognitive information processing, Kirkpatrick’s models of evaluation, etc.

16. Which e-learning development tools do you prefer to use?

17. What will be the first thing you do, if you get hired?

This instructional design interview question is a little bit tricky. An interviewer wants to see how you can prioritize things in a way that makes sense. 

Be careful while answering these instructional design interview questions, if you will be working as a team member, your priority should be to know other team members. If you are working as an individual then your priority should be to work with a creative plan and time management skills. There will be a limited time scheduled for your supervisor’s approval. If you are working on a previous instructional design project improvement then your first step is to examine and review the previous materials.

18. How do you deal with the different levels of learning abilities?

Instructional design references reflect that students may have different learning abilities and styles. There is one popular methodology named bloom’s taxonomy that shows that there are three learning methods which are affective, cognitive, and psychomotor.

The interviewer wants to see your potential to handle the students with different levels of learning abilities. So, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your portfolio that has been specifically designed to address the issue. If you do not have such projects then create a project in your imagination and apply this bloom’s taxonomy learning method to demonstrate your knowledge of this approach.

19. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

This is a pretty tricky instructional design interview questions about your career goals and expectations. The interviewer wants to know your potential, passion, and capability. So, while answering this question you should be sure and confident enough.

The best way to answer these instructional design interview questions, be confident and sure about your career goals and growth. Tell them about your visualization vision and set of disciplines that you follow, it will show how focused and positive you are. 

20. Tell us about your typical working days?

The interviewer asks this instructional design interview questions to identify your working methods as an individual, with a team, and your response to the supervisor.

While answering this question, you should specifically present the well-structured workday that conveys proficiency and efficiency. The interviewer wants to see how you balance your work-life so, significantly mention that there are touchpoints with team members and the information delivered to the superiors about the project status as a formal routine.

Furthermore, there are more commonly asked instructional design interview questions for the instructional design course which you should be aware of, and answer those questions as per your knowledge and experience. Be sure and confident enough to answer these general interview questions. These questions are as follows:

  • Tell us about yourself?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Tell us about the accomplishment that you are proud of?
  • Tell us about a time you had to handle the pressure?
  • Can you work remotely?
  • Tell us about your most successful project?
  • Tell us about your career goals?
  • Tell us about your experience working on a team?
  • How do you establish yourself as a new team member?
  • Tell us about your favorite part of instructional design work?
  • How do you communicate remotely to a team and your supervisor?
  • What do you do if the client is not happy with your work?
  • Tell us about a time you had to handle the pressure?
  • Tell us about a time when you disagree with your team member or supervisor?
  • Tell us about a time when you created a goal and successfully achieved it?
  • Tell us about a time when you surpassed people’s expectations?
  • What is your greatest strength in instructional design?
  • What is your greatest weakness in instructional design?
  • Tell us about a time when you showed leadership?
  • Describe your most challenging project?
  • Describe your leadership style?
  • Tell us about a time when you failed or made a mistake?
  • Tell us about a time you worked with a difficult client?


In this global pandemic situation, instructional design interview questions paved a new path for an individual and it brought plenty of career opportunities. It helps to deliver a great work-life balance and promote working remotely. The main purpose of the instructional design course is to activate and support the e-learning tools and techniques for individual students. An instructional design course must be planned effectively and its impact was clearly shown on the development of learners and organizations.

Moreover, the above-mentioned instructional design interview questions and answers are the most commonly asked and this article is just to make you aware of the fact that you should know. The interviewer or examiner is to check your confidence and management skills under pressure. So, be comfortable and confident while answering the instructional design interview questions, and good luck to those who are preparing for an instructional design course interview.

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Recommended Reads:


What is an instructional design course?

An instructional design course is a systematic development of well-structured instruction material using objectives related to teaching strategies, systematic feedback, and health care evaluations.

What is the average income of an instructional designer?

In India, the average salary of an instructional designer is approx 6,60,276.

Is an instructional design course a good career option?

Yes, it is a very good career option. This platform gives plenty of career opportunities in this global pandemic situation. 

What is the key role of an instructional designer?

An instructional designer’s key responsibility is to design, create and develop effective learning support for the individual pupils.

What are the eligibility criteria for an instructional design course?

Any Bachelor’s and Master’s degree holder can apply for an instructional design course.

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