Teaching English In Spain Is Interesting 

Do you Know Why

We will tell you


Read on!

About Spain

Spain is one of the popular destinations for English lovers to teach English abroad. Spain is a beautiful country with a rich culture, good food, dance, fun-loving people, and calm life. If you want to teach English abroad, then spin is a better option. Whether you have a TEFL certification or not, you can teach in Spain. In Spain, there is a considerable demand for English teachers so you can get jobs quickly. You can also find a wide range of positions available in the country from assistant teachers to the headteacher. To teach in Spain, most of the teachers will require a TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA. The average salary of teaching in Spain is $800-$2,250 per month. Due to the COVID -19 crisis around the world where everything is uncertain, a lot of online programs have emerged, which can be helpful in learning. Anyone can teach English in Spain.

Teaching Programs in Spain

Henry Harvin Offers a TEFL Certification Ranked 1. in TEFL Teaching

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  • Henry Harvin offers about 120 hours of learning certified TEFL courses. One should complete the course within a year of enrolment. 
  • The course fee is $600, but now on offer is $299, which makes it cost-effective. Teaching English in Spain becomes much more accessible.
  •  Henry Harvin also offers a lot of job support with 1200 partners and placement in 42 countries on all seven continents. Media partners are Russia Today, Bloomberg T.V, Japan News English, and U.S. News.

Internationally Henry Harvin is Ranked 3.

Teach English with CIEE

Program details

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Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree (in any field) ,native english speaker,citizenship in U.S,canada ,Australia,or New zealand.

Classroom Audience: Children High school, Middle School

Weekly Classroom Hours: 16

Salary Benefits: Monthly stipend 1000 euros, temporary accommodations, placement as a Language and Culture Assistant in the region of Madrid.

  • Visa guidance
  • Pickup from the Airport to the hotel by CIEE staff.
  • Orientation in Madrid with topics like health, banking, safety, housing, and many more.
  • Cultural Activities during orientation, such as a Flamenco show and cuisines from different regions of Spain.
  • 2-4 weeks of stay with a local Spanish family, including breakfast and dinner.
  • 2-4 weeks of Language classes.
  • The above activities will make teaching in Spain easier.

What does This Include?

Accommodation,activities,airport transfer,meals,Travel insurance.

What Does this not Include?

Airfare, SIM cards.

Read Also:  TEFL Certification in Utah

CIEE Program

The CIEE Teach in Spain program offers you to teach English in Spain for ten 

Months as a cultural and language assistant in any school in Madrid. You have to spend 16 hours a week supporting the teachers or teaching in the classroom for four days a week. So, the choice is fabulous. This flexibility will give you enough time to learn Spanish or to provide private lessons. The placements are throughout Madrid. CIEE Teach in Spain program will support you in internships and visa guidance, arranging temporary accommodations, international travel, and many more. It also has 24/7 support, which ensures that your connection throughout your entire program. This program makes teaching English in Spain easier.

CIEE’s 150 hour TEFL Certification Program

This program offers an interactive experience in teaching English in Spain.

  • Monthly stipend:1000 Euros, temporary accommodations.
  • Orientation in Madrid with topics like banking, housing, health, safety, and many more.
  • Placement as a Language teacher in Madrid.
  • Homestay with a local Spanish family.Including breakfast and dinner.
  • 2-4 weeks of language classes.
  • This program will make teaching English in Spain easier.

Difference Between TEFL, TESOL, and CELTA

TEFL is teaching English as a Foreign Language, and TESOL stands for Teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge university administers CELTA worldwide. It must face students in classrooms, and peer-to-peer evaluation happens.

Basic In Teaching English In Spain

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To teach English in Spain, the basic requirements are:

  • A TEFL certification
  • Knowledge of all types of English teaching jobs
  • Understanding of Visa laws
  • Savings for start-up jobs
  • These all the above points will make teaching English in Spain easy.

What’s a TEFL Certification

  • TEFL is teaching English as a Foreign Language, and TESOL stands for teaching English to speakers of other languages. These are the two best courses for teachers who want a better career opportunity.
  • As English is in high demand, students want to learn from a skilled teacher.
  • TEFL certified trainers can work in schools, colleges, and universities.
  • TEFL program is for countries where English is not a primary language, but due to global demand, they are using it like Spain, France, Japan, China, etc. Teaching English in Spain becomes much more accessible.

TESOL Course

  • A TESOL course will provide any individual to become a qualified all-around teacher.
  • It also helps in developing a lot of skills.
  • The experience anyone will gain will utilize in creating their methodology.
  • This course will also help them to think out of the box.

TEFL Course Is for Whom?

  • A certified TEFL course is for anyone who wants to do well in the teaching field.
  • The person can be from a linguistic area or a non-linguistic area.
  • They can be I.T. professionals as well.
  • For many of them, work-from-home opportunities are also there.
  • A TEFL certification opens up doors for a lot of job opportunities.

How to Choose the Correct TEFL Course

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  • Choosing the correct course is very much crucial in deciding the right path. Because there are a lot of courses open in the market, we have to make the correct decision.
  • According to international surveys, the TEFL course should have taught 100-150 hours. The pricing of the course fee ranges from $500-$1200.
  • The course which provides a trainer must have a senior degree and be well experienced in the teaching field. The institute should also offer job support after the session.

Some Best TEFL courses. There are a lot of TEFL certification courses available in the market, which provide online classes, but the comparison is very critical and based on several points they are:

  • Accreditation
  • Curriculum and course span
  • Course fee
  • Trainers
  • Projects
  • Certification
  • Job Support

Go To Spain

Spain is a small country in Europe. It includes 17 autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures. The capital city of Madrid is home to the Royal Palace. Madrid is its capital. Other prominent cities are Barcelona and Silvaggio. Both Mediterranean and Atlantic influence climate, the interiors have hot, dry summers and are generally sunny all the time, but the cold winters often bring snow to the ground. So, Spain is a lovely place to work, live, and enjoy. In a week there are only 20 hours of teaching so you can explore the country, its culture as well as learn Spanish.

How To Get Student Visa

 Those who are studying in Spain and want to work or teach English in Spain after investigating, get a visa quickly.ITA runs a student visa program, which makes getting a permit easy. You can also contact a consulate for more information on study abroad programs.

Government Teaching Program

  • Government programs provide participants with student visas quickly.
  • Some countries, like Canada, Australia, have a unique work agreement and can apply for a working holiday visa.

Hiring Seasons

The hiring season for Spain is from September to October. You can also find some summer jobs in schools or work as a language and cultural teacher. You can also try to learn Spain it will make teaching in Spain easy.


Job Location 

  • Madrid and Barcelona are two big cities you will like to work in.
  • If you are new in the area and you don’t know anyone, then it is better to stay in budget-friendly hostels.
  • Use resources such as lonely planet guides to find accommodations.

To get a Student Visa

Before Reaching

  • Citizens of Britain, Ireland, and E.U. countries do not require any student visa or work permit.
  • Citizens of Canada, Australia, may also find it hard to get a visa, but they can get a student visa or a working holiday visa.

If you are new to the place and don’t know anyone, then you can live in hostels or P.G.

  • Always use budget-friendly accommodations. 

 After Reaching

  • As soon as you arrive, get a local phone number and keep all the details in it and make sure that this number is in your resume.
  • Have your resume translated into Spanish and also make business cards for yourself and try to be listed as a certified TEFL. 
  • The TEFL Academy will give you job references for top international schools and institutes. The above points will make teaching in Spain easier.
  • Many corporations or business trainers will require English teachers who can teach English in Spain.
  • I also recommend posting notices on bulletin boards etc.
  • Posting A.D.s in local newspapers will also be of great use.
  • Start making publicity of yourself as a private tutor.
  • Search for local teachers and talk to them and make relationships.
  • Dress professionally and neatly.
  • Always arrive on time for interviews.
  • The corporate world will ask you to do business marketing in the English language.
  • For people looking for summer jobs, a lot of jobs are there where schools offer summer jobs.
  • Most of them will hire local English teachers between 20-30 yrs of age.

Teaching Scenario In Spain

  • The teaching time in Spain is 20 hrs, so you will get plenty of time to explore the place on weekends. Teaching in Spain is a dream come true.
  • Being an English teacher in Spain is often rewarding, but it can isolate you also. As an instructor, it is challenging to deal with the students and their parents since heavy responsibility falls on you.
  • But as a teacher, it is pronounced that this may happen. Your intentions are good, but how do you apply tools and methods. For this, you have to be associated with the English writers who write blogs because they can give you some great ideas.
  • English teachers’ blogs are beneficial, as they are ready to share useful things.
  • On their blogs, English teachers authentically share their knowledge. It is a safe place for them to express their thoughts.
  • Teaching is excellent, but like any other profession, there are highs and lows.
  • Reading teachers’ blogs will help you if you are stuck somewhere or lacking skills.
  • Knowing that others also go the same ideas might be helpful. 
Read Also:  TEFL Certification in Oregon

Teaching Requirements:

A TEFL certification is required to teach English in Spain. If you have a TEFL certification, it will add value to your resume.

Native English Speaker: You have to be a native English speaker to teach English in Spain. In other words, you have to be a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the U.K, the U.S., or South Africa.

Degree requirements:  Normally, a bachelor’s degree is not required to teach English in Spain, but if you have it, it’s always better.

TEFL Jobs In Spain

There are a lot of teaching programs run by the government of Spain:

  • You are teaching as a part of cultural ambassadors Programs.
  • You are teaching by student visa programs.
  • Private tutoring.
  • Teaching at Summer camps 

Hiring & Visas

The best time to find jobs in Spain is from September to early October. Then again, in January. English teachers in Spain also get airfare and housing facilities. There are a variety of visa options in Spain. 

Hours & Students

Schools in Spain offer 20-25 hours of teaching per week. It will give you a lot of opportunities to explore during weekends. Students are generally small children to whom you have to teach. But if you are teaching online or tutions, then they might be adults or business or a business professional. Teaching in Spain is a better option.

Salary and Cost of Living

Thsalary in Spain for English teachers is $1,700-$ 2,850 USD.it is for six weeks. You have to keep enough backup until you receive your first paycheck. Because after joining, schools will pay only after six weeks.


English Teachers in Spain get $800-$1,500 USD per month. There will be no housing benefits or stipends to the participants.

Cost of Living and Savings

The cost of living in Spain ranges between $500-$1,000 USD per month. So, the English teachers in Spain can cover rent, support themselves, live comfortably, and enjoy their stay abroad. But from the saving point of view, you can save a little.

Teaching at a Private or an International School

Depending upon the school you work for the age group class etc. you can opt for:

  • There are a variety of ways where you can teach either you can apply for the selected post or can go directly.
  • You can also teach private lessons in schools.
  • Always apply at the right time.
  • You can also teach English in a public school.

Teach At Home

  • Teaching at home will not provide you enough money, but it’s at least better than being unemployed. It’s better to have private tuition.
  • You can also make an A.D. of your tutorials in a local newspaper.
  • One can charge 20$-28$ USD for an hour for lessons on average.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. A bachelors’ degree in English is especially required. Get a TEFL certification done.TEFL courses of only 120 hours are valid, less than it’s not accepted.
  2. Be of proper age, preferably students age 20-35 years is good.
  3. Always try to hold a good command of English as well as in Spanish.
  4. It would be better to have some teaching experience prior.
  5. If you are a foreigner not from the E.U., then visa formalities will be a little stringent. In case a school contacts you about the job, then ask them for some contacts from the nearby teachers whom you can consult.

Additional points to keep in Mind

  • Rented houses are cheap compared to hotels. Hostels can also be affordable.
  • Readdingading Reading the contract carefully is critical. Always you should pay attention to your agreement carefully, like what’s written in the contract salary, holiday leave.
  • You should always take enough money with you so that you can survive for at least two or three months.

Teaching English In Spain Some Useful Tips

teaching English in Spain, teach English in Spain, teach in Spain, teaching in Spain
  • There are some useful tips in teaching, like whenever someone hires you, always make a lesson plan for the academic calendar,
  • Lesson plans are beneficial in teaching well.
  • Try learning from your students, which will help you a lot.
  • Engage the students in motivating English culture.
  • Always give a real idea of English culture so that teaching English in Spain becomes fun.
  • Listen to your audience to make the lessons relevant.
  • Teaching English in Spain is not an easy task; it requires a lot of hard work and determination. You have to stand with the questions of the students every day.
  • Here you should also be aware of modern teaching techniques of the students which are very useful.
  • Explaining the children with graphs or images which are more useful in teaching and learning.
  • Always be confident in teaching and be aware of modern and digital tools.
  • Specific programs are running, which are very important and known as summer jobs.

Teach English Online

Teaching English in Spain is exciting. Whether you show in Spain or another country, you can always increase your salary by teaching online. With the demand for online teaching, TEFL provides teachers extra opportunities to earn extra money. Most of the teachers can make $10-$20 (USD) an hour. 

How to Find a Good Job?

You should always plan because there are a lot of job opportunities open. You can get the best only at the hiring season. Hiring season is a season all the schools private or public they start recruiting for the next session. So, you should begin to face to face interviews at a language school. The most effective way to get hired is directly going to schools and inquire about teaching opportunities.

The demand for English teachers is low in small towns, but it is high in big cities like Madrid and Barcelona. Teach in Spain is a dream come true. T

Private Tuition


  • Private tutors are very common in European countries.

Especially because teachers can earn more on an hourly basis, even some people do private tutoring if they can find more students. 

Read Also:  TEFL Certification in Minnesota

Benefits of ESL Private Tutoring 

  • You can earn additional money.
  • Have more control over your schedule.
  • One can meet and interact with local citizens.
  • Opportunity to learn Spanish, which will be very useful in teaching English.
  • You can establish yourself as a private tutor, but for that, you have to be in touch with English teachers in that area.
  • You can also make business cards for yourself.
  • Private tutoring will make teaching in Spain much more comfortable.

Government Teaching Program in Spain

  • There are several programs run by the government. These programs come with a student visa, and each has different requirements.
  • They include:
  • Meddeas- Language Assistant.
  • BEDA Program: Language Assistant
  • UCETAM-Language Assistant.
  • UP International Education-Language Assistant
  • Conversa Spain-Language Assistant
  • Fulbright Spain-Teaching Assistant



Now I want to summarise my message quickly. My main message in this blog was to

  • Tell people about how they can teach English in Spain.
  • What facilities they will get to teach in Spain.
  • What qualifications or criteria are required for them? Them?
  • What type of courses would they do?
  • How to go there?
  • What type of challenges they might face.
  • Some solutions to their challenges some answers to their problems.
  • Some information about Spain.
  • What salary they might get.

They should do the courses of TEFL .from INDIAs no #1 Henry Harvin education Noida, Which provides better learning opportunities.

Teaching English In Spain FAQs

What type of Visa can I use to Teach English in Spain.?

The type of visa you will use to teach in Spain depends upon your nationality. Research is fundamental before applying for a visa. Student visa programs are right for you if you are looking for a legitimate way to teach in Spain

 What are the basic requirements for teaching English in Spain?

To teach English in Spain, the most crucial thing requires TEFL certification, a bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject.
Understanding the types of English jobs.
Savings for start-up costs.

How much Salary will I get as an English Teacher in Spain?

English teachers in Spain can make $800-$1,500 USD per month. They don’t pay any stipend or any housing facilities, so initially, you have to arrange it yourself. The cost of living in Spain is $500-$1,000 USD.So, you can save only a little bit.

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