“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

– Vince Lombardi


In 2011, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took a personal challenge to eat the meat that only he killed. He announced this challenge with the world that he killed a pig and a goat. Zuckerberg clarified that he took this challenge in an effort to learn about sustainable farming and to consume resources more responsibly. But the change wasn’t permanent, though. After the year-long challenge was over, Zuckerberg went to a store to buy meat.
The basic idea behind telling you this story is that we should try bringing a change.if you think like an entrepreneur, you seek change.

What Is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business or businesses that building and scaling it to generate a profit.


Entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business with his creativity and ideation. .

Here is a video that will help you think like an entrepreneur.


Henry harvin teen MBA courses will help you learn entrepreneurial skills too

Why Is Entrepreneurial skills Necessary?

Entrepreneurial skills help us recognize various economic opportunities and work upon them. A new business generates more jobs and introduces more ideas. Entrepreneurship makes the market a competitive place. It helps in the development of the market.

The following points will help you understand why entrepreneurial skills are the most important junior MBA:

1. Entrepreneurship creates jobs



Without entrepreneurs, there will be no jobs. Entrepreneurs take on the risk to employ themselves.

They want to continue the business’ growth which eventually leads to the creation of new jobs. As their business grows, even more jobs are created, thus increasing employment will decrease poverty


2.Entrepreneurship leads to innovation



Entrepreneurship is basically a product of technology with advancement in tech world .

Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship are becoming popular day by day. Technology and innovation go hand in hand.

Thus, in periods where there are more advancements in technology, it is because of the efforts of an entrepreneur.

3.Entrepreneurs create change



 Entrepreneurs’ thinking process is so powerful that their ideas can make a worldwide change.

They might create a new product which raises a challenge to explore something never explored before. Many believe that improve the world with their products, ideas, or businesses.

4.Entrepreneurs contribute to society


Some have this notion that the rich are evil and greedy, they often do more for the better than the average person.

They make money and thus pay more taxes which helps in funds and social services. Some of the biggest donors to charities and nonprofits for various causes are entrepreneurs.

5.Entrepreneurs add to national income


Entrepreneurship creates new wealth in an economy. New ideas and improved products and services from entrepreneurs allow the growth of new markets and new wealth in the economy.

Adding to that, high level of employment leads of increase in national income.


6.Entrepreneurship decreases poverty

In the spirit of sharing good news, poverty has decreased in our country. This is likely due to globalization. Being able to connect with millions and millions of people on the internet allows new entrepreneurs to find customers around the world.

Entrepreneurial skills include the following skills too:

  • Marketing
  • Business Development,
  • Customer service
  • Leadership
  • Execution


  • Entrepreneurship is a very important Junior MBA skill.
  • Entrepreneurs’ thinking process is so powerful that their ideas can make a world-wide change.
  • Entrepreneurship is basically a product of technology with the advancement in the tech world.
  • also, it decreases globalisation

have you ever been a member of a smoothly running team? If you have been, its an experience that you will never forget.


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