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Mastering Tableau Interview Questions and Answers is one of the first challenges if you are entering the data visualization world with Tableau as a fresher. Our article “Top 25 Tableau Interview Questions and Answers in 2024” will surely provide a deep insight into the field of data visualization. As these questions and answers are based on experts’ opinions you can shine in the Tableau interviews.

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

While businesses’ dependency on data visualization is increasing, the demand for Tableau professionals is booming. Data plays a crucial role in current industry determinations, and Tableau adds a sense to it all. With a good Tableau Training Course, you can easily gain the required proficiency in Tableau.


Navigating Tableau interview questions means understanding data visually, exploring it interactively, and explaining insights clearly.

Top 25 Tableau Interview Questions and Answers in 2024.


Here, We are ready to dive into the top Tableau Interview Questions and Answers based on different levels of expertise.

Basic Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Firstly, we will explore the basic Questions and answers that are to know before steering deep into Tableau.

1- What do you understand by Tableau?

Ans- In the Business Intelligence(BI) Industry Tableau is the most advanced and fastest tool used for visualizing Data. With Tableau, analysis of the data becomes faster as it simplifies the raw data into an understandable format. 

2. What is the meaning of Data Visualization?

Ans- Visual presentation of data is known as Data visualization. Graphical objects such as graphs, charts, and bars can be used for data visualization. 

3- Explain the concept of blending in Tableau.

Ans- In Tableau, Data blending is the process of merging data from various data sources or sheets to create a combined view. It is typically used to supplement a primary data source with data from a secondary source when it is needed.

4- Describe the tableau dashboard briefly.

Ans- The Tableau dashboard is nothing but a set of different views with which you can compare various types of data altogether.

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

5- What is Page Shelf in Tableau?

Ans- The page shelf splits the views into a sequence of pages. Additionally, It shows a secondary view on individual pages. As a result, analyzing the effect of each field of the data becomes easy.

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for Beginners

Furthermore, we will study Tableau Interview Questions and Answers that will help freshers. 

6- How is Heatmap different from Treemap in Tableau?

Ans- A heatmap uses colors to display various values in your data to make it easy. In contrast, a TreeMap displays data in a row of nested rectangles, where the size and color of per rectangle illustrate the data point’s value. 

7-What do you know about data modeling in Tableau? 

Ans- In Tableau data modeling is also called the first step of doing object-oriented programming.

It is the analysis of data objects that is used in a business. On the other hand, it is also used to specify the connections among these data objects. 

8- What are the different connection types in Tableau?

Ans- There are two different types that Tableau proposes to connect to your data:

1. Extract- This produces a snapshot of your data and saves it in Tableau. 

2. Live- This links directly to your data source and conveys the latest data in real-time. 

9- What is LOD Expression In Tableau?

Ans-LOD Expression in Tableau signifies the Level of Detail Expression. It is a feature that allows you to conduct detailed data analyses. With LOD Expressions, you can construct difficult calculations that entangle multiple levels of your data.

10- What do you mean by a story in Tableau?

Ans- In Tableau a story is a sheet that is a collection of a string of worksheets and dashboards. We can use it to convey the understanding of data. 

11-What is Mark Card in Tableau?

Ans-On the left of the view, there is a card from where we can extract fields and manage properties such as color, size, type, shape, detail, label, and tooltip.

12- What is a Bullet graph in Tableau? 

Ans- A bullet graph is a form of a Bar graph in Tableau that is reliable for comparing the performance of two different measurements.

13- What are the file size limits with Tableau?

Ans- To be honest, in Tableau, there are neither file size limits nor row or column limits to import the data.

14- What is Tableau Reader?

Ans-Tableau Reader is a desktop application that is free to use. With Tableau Raeder you can read and ally with the Tableau packaged workbooks. 

15- What is the Hierarchy in Tableau?

Ans- When we work with large volumes of data, it is our concern that it may not be messed up. Hence with Tableau, we can smoothly construct hierarchies to keep our data tidy.

Advanced Tableau Interview Questions and Answers 

Now we will evaluate deep Tableau Interview Questions and Answers that are to be known by  Skilled Tableau Interviewers.

16- What are the products of Tableau?

Ans- The main products that Tableau offers are Tableau Perp, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Online, and Tableau Server.

17. Distinguish between Tiled and Floating in Dashboards.

Ans-In Tableau dashboards, a tiled layout organizes items without overlapping and also adjusts to fit the dashboard size automatically. In contrast, a floating layout permits items to overlap as well as keep their positions and dimensions fixed regardless of the dashboard size.

 Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

18- What is VIZQL in Tableau?

Ans- Basically, VIZQL is a Visual Inquiry Language that is a blend of VIZ and SQL. However, it is like SQL but instead of SQL commands, the VIZQL language transforms data queries into visual pictures.

19- What is the use of the Show Me menu in Tableau?

Ans- The Show Me menu in Tableau offers an instant way to modify the chart type or visualization. It also provides various options to display the data along with helping users to select the most effective visualization for analysis.

20- How can you design a dynamic title in Tableau based on user selections?

Ans- you can create a dynamic title in Tableau based on user selections by using parameters. For example, if you have a variable named “Field,” the dynamic title formula could be: “Sales for ” + [Field

21-. How can you manage large datasets efficiently in Tableau?

Ans- We can Manage large datasets in Tableau by using optimized data extracts. Additionally computing data at the source, operating data source filters, and utilizing accumulative data refreshes when possible.

22-. How do you create an estimated field to get the running total in Tableau?

A. To create an estimated field to get the running total we can use the WINDOW_SUM() function. For example, if you want a running total of the “Marketing” field, the calculated field would be: RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Marketing]))

23- What is the difference between Quick Filter and Normal Filter in Tableau?

A. Quick Filters are user-friendly filters that permit users to filter data immediately by clicking on a data point. On the other hand, Normal Filters offer more control and modification options that allow users to set quality and criteria.

24- Where can we apply global filters?

Ans- We can apply global filters on sheets, stories as well as on dashboards.

25-What is the advantage of the Tableau extract file over the live connection?

Ans- Extract files can be used without any connections and you can also create your visualization without joining the databases.

Learn More about Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

 Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

If you want to master Tableau, Henry Harvin is the best place to help you. The Tableau course that Hery Harvin offers completely aligns with the industry standards that are set by NASSCOM. In addition, it is recognized by the government. With Henry Harvin, you can learn using top tools for creating engaging data visuals. They not only prepare you for the Certified Data Visualization Course but also for shining in Tableau interviews.


In conclusion, a strong knowledge of Tableau is a valuable investment for any data proficient. You will be more confident in job interviews when you can showcase a holistic understanding of Tableau. Moreover, you can prove that you have the full potential to use this top data visualization tool.

Recommended Reads

  1. Tableau vs Power BI- Which Is the Better Data Visualization Tool?
  2. Data Types In Tableau: The Most Important Attributes
  3. Scope and Salary of Tableau Developer in India
  4. 10+ Best Tableau Certification Courses in India: 2024 [Updated]


Q1- Why is Tableau in demand?

Ans- Tableau is in demand because it is not only easy to understand but also easy to use.

Q2- Which version is the latest on the Tableau desktop?

Ans- The latest version on Tableau desktop is 2021.3(as of, 7thSep 2021).

Q3- What is the difference between Tableau and Power BI?

Ans- Mainly, Tableau and Power BI are different in the capabilities of handling data and their visualization.

Q4- What are the alternatives to Tableau?

Ans- There are multiple competitors of Tableau such as Oracle, Google Chart, Domo, Power BI, and many more.

Q5- Can I use Tableau without a license?

Ans- Sure, you can go with Tableau Public which is completely free but comes with some functionality limitations.

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