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Mater the Art of Answering Income Tax Interview Questions

Getting a job nowadays is a big task! You need good preparation for an income tax job. Before you appear to face the interview for top income tax jobs, you must go through mostly asked Income tax interview questions. Get well prepared and crack the interview with confidence. You can try for various top job roles in top hiring companies where income tax skills play a major role. A strong preparation and well-planned study will ensure the possibility of getting a better job opportunity and advancing your career.

Master your skills to answer Income Tax Interview Questions. You need to explore and prepare for every possible question that may be asked at the time of the interview. You need to cover all topics starting from basic to advanced Income Taxation.  Going through Income Tax Interview Questions will also identify the area for improvement and focus on the study in detail so that you cover all the related topics.

You must be prepared to answer every possible question from any income-related topic. The questions asked can be related to profits, income, Fringe benefits, GST, capital gains, AMT, etc. One must be well prepared for questions from basic to advanced level topics.


This blog will guide you to prepare for the Income Tax interview questions and answers.

For an Income Tax department job in the Government sector, one needs to clear both the prelims and mains of the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Exam.


Another way is that the aspirant must clear the Income Tax Department Selection Test which consists of four papers. Once the aspirants pass any of these then they are eligible to be called for the Income Tax interview process.


So readers below is the most important list of questions curated along with the answers that will guide you about the various questions that are mostly asked in the interview.

Tips for Income Tax Interview Preparation 

Preparing for an income tax interview requires a blend of technical knowledge, practical understanding, and soft skills. Here are some tips to help you get ready:

1. Understand the Basics

  • Tax Laws and Regulations: Be well-versed in the latest income tax laws, regulations, and amendments.
  • Accounting Principles: Strong Hand on basic accounting principles and financial statements.

2. Technical Knowledge

  • Tax Calculation: Understand how to calculate various types of taxes, deductions, exemptions, and credits.
  • Tax Software: Familiarize yourself with common tax software and tools used in the industry (e.g., TurboTax, H&R Block, QuickBooks).
  • Tax Forms: Know the different types of tax forms (e.g., 1040, 1099, W-2) and their purposes.

3. Practical Experience

  • Case Studies: Review case studies involving tax planning, tax compliance, and audit processes.
  • Problem-Solving: Practice solving tax-related problems and scenarios.

4. Regulatory Environment

  • IRS Guidelines: Keep updated with IRS guidelines, publications, and notices.
  • Local and State Taxes: Understand local and state tax laws in addition to federal taxes.

5. Soft Skills

  • Communication: Develop clear and concise communication skills to explain tax concepts to clients or colleagues.
  • Analytical Skills: Enhance your ability to analyze financial data and interpret tax laws.
  • Attention to Detail: Reviewing Documents and Preparing Tax Returns.

6. Mock Interviews

  • Practice Interviews: Conduct mock interviews focusing on common questions related to income tax.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from mentors or colleagues to improve your performance.

7. Current Events and Trends

  • Tax Policy Changes: Stay informed about current events, trends, and updates in taxation that may impact your field.
  • Economic Factors: Understand how economic factors like inflation, unemployment, and GDP growth affect tax policies.

8. Additional Tips

  • Sample Questions: You can refer to last year’s sample paper and practice for Written Exams both Prelims and Main Exams.
  • Interview Questions and Answers: Prepare well with the Top 30 Interview Questions and Answers before appearing for the interview process.

  • Review Your Resume: Be ready to discuss any tax-related experience listed on your resume.
  • Stay Calm: During the interview, stay calm and composed, especially when tackling complex questions.
  • Follow-Up: After the interview, send a thank-you email reiterating your interest in the position and highlighting how your skills align with the job role requirements.

How to grab top job opportunities in income tax?

Grabbing a top job opportunity in the income tax field involves a combination of strong academic credentials, practical experience, continuous learning, and effective networking. And above all strong interview preparation for top job roles in Income tax.


Here are some tips to help you secure a top position:

Strong Academic Foundation

    • Degree in accounting, finance, or a related field.
    • Professional Certificates like Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Certified Management Accountant (CMA).
      • Strong academic background

Technical Skills

    • Professionally Well Qualified with strong technical skills
      • Familiar with the latest tax preparation software like Tally, QuickBooks and more.
      • Microsoft Excel proficiency is a must for tax calculations and data analysis.
      • Stay updated with the latest taxation laws, amendments, and compliance requirements.

Continuous Learning

      • Participate in tax-related workshops, seminars, and webinars to keep your knowledge current.
      • Pursue upgraded taxation courses from top accounting institutes for efficient performance as per the upcoming professional requirements.


    • Attend industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to connect with professionals in the field.
    • Connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups, present and network on social media and professional network platforms and participate in discussions.

Prepare for Interviews

      • Well-prepared with top taxation interview questions
      • Focus on areas of improvement.  
      • Strong preparation with mostly asked income taxation interview questions

Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

    • Customize your resume and cover letter to highlight your technical skills, domains you worked on and experience in top companies.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills are a must in every organization.
  • Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Income Tax Interview Questions and Answers

Q-1. Give a brief introduction about yourself.

➤ This is the first question that has been asked in many interviews. This is a kind of icebreaker question and based on this answer the interviewer frames up the next question. It’s a kind of broad-end question, which includes much of the details of the candidate.


The interviewer asks this question to make the candidate comfortable and get insight into the candidate. While answering this question, never be too excited but be honest. If it is answered well and professionally the chance of getting hired is higher.

Q-2. Give some insight on Income Tax.

➤ This question is the basis of an income tax interview round. Income tax is levied by the government on the incomes earned by individuals to carry out public expenditures or outlays to realize the goal of social security. The tax is charged for the assessment year at the rates fixed by the Central Government in the Union Budget for the assessment year concerning the previous year.

Q-3. How is the Income Tax calculated?

➤ Income Tax is calculated based on the total income of an individual related to salaries, profits of businesses, capital gains, house property, and other resources. The income tax is calculated using the tax slab that has been issued by the government every financial year.

Q-4. What do you mean by the term Total Income?

➤ The amount on which Income Tax is paid including all income that arises, accrues, received, or earned in India is the Total Income. It doesn’t include the income which arises outside the country. It is the total amount that is earned by an individual or an organization including income from providing services or employment, payments from pension plans, income from dividends, and revenue from sales.


The total income is calculated for the assessment of taxes, determining an individual’s or organization’s ability to make payments on a debt, or evaluating the net worth of a company.

Q-5. What is the Financial Year, Previous Year, and Assessment Year?

➤ The year starting from 1st April to 31st March is the Financial Year. It is used for calculating various financial assessment statements annually in businesses and organizations.


The year immediately succeeding the financial year where the income of the previous financial year is assessed is known as the Assessment Year. For collecting tax the Government uses the assessment year to assess the previous year.


The year in which income is earned and becomes taxable in the following assessment year is known as the Previous Year. Example: 2020-2021 be the present assessment year then 2019-2020 will be the Previous Year.

Q-6. What do you mean by Assesses?

➤ A person who is liable to pay tax or any other sum of money under the Income Tax Act is known as an assessor. It includes everyone about any proceeding under this Act that has been taken for the assessment of his income or of the income of the other person in respect of whom he is assessable, or any loss sustained by him or by such other person, or of the amount refunded due to him or to such other person, and also a person who is considered to be an assessee under any provision of this Act.

Q-7. How to decide the residential status of profits or income taxpayers?

➤ According to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, the residential status of an individual is categorized as Resident or Non-Resident.


So under Section 6(1), an individual is said to be a resident of India in any previous year if he satisfies any one of the basic conditions i.e, he is in India in the previous year for a period that is at least 182 days or he is in India for a period of a minimum of 60 days during the relevant previous year and at least for 365 days during the four years preceding that of the previous year.


If any person doesn’t fulfill this provision irrespective of their nationality they are termed as Non-resident.

Q-8. How does the tax liability of an individual get affected because of his residential status?

➤ The liabilities of a private do get affected thanks to his residential status as per Section 5 of the tax Act and is additionally hooked into the place and time of receipt of the income. There’s a difference between Indian income and Foreign income as Indian income is always taxable in India by the residential status of the individual paying the tax.

Q-9. What is Indian Income?

➤ Indian income is the income received or deemed to be received in India during the previous year and simultaneously accrual income or deemed accrual in India during the previous year. It is also the income received or deemed to be received in India during the previous year but it accrues outside India during the previous year, or the Income that has been received outside India during the previous year but has been accrued in India during the previous year is also termed as Indian income.

Q-10. Which income can be considered as an accrued income?

➤ The income which is earned but has not been received is known as accrued income. The income needs to be recorded in the same accounting period in which it is earned nor in the future period in which it will be received.

Q-11. What do you understand about Fringe Benefits Tax? 

➤ Fringe Benefits Tax is the tax that an employer has to pay in respect of the benefits that are given to his employer in addition to the salary. It is payable in preference to the value of the fringe benefits provided or to have been provided by the employer to his employees during the previous year. 

Q-12. What do you mean by Capital Gain?

➤ The profit that is earned by selling an asset means capital gain. When the asset is being sold the income or the gain that arises is the difference between the selling price and the actual price in which it was bought. Capital Gain can be short-term or long-term. If the asset is held for less than a year and is sold then it is termed as a short-term gain but if the asset is held for more than a year to three years and sold after that then it is termed as a long-term gain. 

Q-13. What is your idea about AMT?

➤ AMT means the Alternative Minimum Tax which uses a different set of rules to calculate the taxable income after the allowed deductions. This is a way to restrict wealthy taxpayers from tax evasion. It sets a limit for higher income tax groups on certain benefits and reduces the taxpayer’s regular tax amount. The taxpayer needs to pay a higher AMT amount if the benefits on tax reduce the total tax below the AMT limit. 

Q-14. Is there any provision in India to get a refund for an overpayment of taxes?

➤ Yes, there is a provision for getting a refund for an overpayment of tax in India along with interest. While claiming the refund one must file the income tax return within a specific period. The refund status can be tracked on the NSDL-TIN website by entering PAN and the year of assessment for which the refund has been claimed at the Status of Tax Refunds tab. 

Q-15. What do you mean by the ICR process and how does it help? 

➤ ICR means the Inter-Company Reconciliation process helps the parent company to split from its subsidiary companies by its location. Every year the businesses that are commonly controlled need to prepare a consolidated financial statement for tax and reporting purposes. This process helps in the maintenance of accurate reports and also helps the companies avoid misinterpretation of the financial position of the firm. 

Check out the best certification course for Income Tax Specialists.

Q-16. What is a Provident Fund? What are its types?

➤ Provident Fund is a government-managed scheme where both employer and employee contribute from the employee’s salary. There are four types of Provident Funds:


Recognized Provident Fund – RPF is a scheme that must be approved by the Income Tax Commissioner and applies to an organization that employs a minimum of 20 or more employees.

Unrecognized Provident Fund – URPF is not approved by the Income Tax Commissioner and is started by the employers and employees in an establishment.

Statutory Provident Fund – SPF is mainly meant for Educational Institutes (affiliated to University) employees.

Public Provident Fund – PPF involves a minimum contribution of Rs.500 p.a and a maximum contribution is Rs. 100,000 p.a. The contribution made along with interest earned is repayable after 15 years unless it is extended. 

Q-17. What do you mean by Excise Duty?

➤ An indirect tax is levied on the goods which have been manufactured in India and are meant for personal use. The taxable person is the manufacturer and the liability of the excise duty arises on the goods manufactured. This tax is paid by the manufacturer and passes to the customers. 

Q-18. What is Service tax? 

➤ An indirect tax that is imposed on the service providers by the government on certain services but is paid by the customers is service tax. Services like AC restaurant services, hotels, and inns are included in the service tax. 

Q-19. What is an Excise tax and how it is different from a Service tax?

➤ Excise tax is also an indirect tax that is imposed on the manufacturer, sale, or use of certain types of goods or products. It is generally imposed on goods such as cigarettes or alcohol, and also on the price of activities like gambling. Excise taxes can be imposed by both the Federal and State authorities. It is different from service tax because it is imposed on manufactured goods whereas service tax is imposed on services provided. 

Q-20. What happens if an NRI buys a property in India, does he need to pay property tax?

➤ Any kind of income or capital gain that an NRI generates from the sale rent or lease of a valued property or an asset based in India needs to pay tax as per the Income Tax Plus rules. The long-term capital gain will be incurred on the sale of the property if the valued property is more than 3 years old, the tax is payable at 20%. 

Q-21. What is deferred tax liability? What items come under deferred tax liability?

➤ The tax liability that a company owes and does not pay at the current point, but is responsible for paying it at some point shortly is termed deferred tax liability. It is a balance sheet item that accounts for the difference between taxes that are due in the future and the taxes paid today.

Unrealized tax and depreciation are the types of an item that comes under deferred tax liability.

Q-22. What is Amortization?

➤ Amortization means when the assets of a company are written off for several years for their renewal or replacement and don’t depend on the life of an asset. It is not the same as depreciation. 

Q-23. What is a deferred tax asset?

➤ When a firm pays tax early or has paid excess tax and needs to get some money back from the tax authorities is termed as a deferred tax asset. The term is recorded in the balance sheet and is also known as a provision for future taxation.

Q-24. What do you mean by the terms Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement?

➤ Both the terms were introduced in 1999 by the National Governor’s Association (NGA) and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) to simplify the collection of sales tax. As sales tax is the second-largest source of state revenue after personal income taxes the collection needed to be simplified.


It resulted in the development of a simpler and business-friendly sales tax system. The Agreement decreased the costs and administrative burdens of the sales tax collection on retailers, especially those that are operating in multiple states.

Q-25. What do you mean by Taxation?

➤ Taxation is used as one of the modes by the government to finance their expenses by imposing charges on corporate entities and citizens. The government levies taxes on its citizens to encourage or discourage certain economic decisions.

Q-26. What is a Tax refund?

➤ A tax refund means the excess tax paid by an individual than the actual owed by the individual is returned by the government. Once you file income tax for the year, the income tax, tax deductions or credits, withholdings, and other factors are taken into consideration; after that, you will receive a tax refund.

Q-27. What is Fund flow? 

➤ Fund flow is mainly based on working capital. It tells about the various sources from where the funds are generated which is very useful in understanding long-term financial strategy. The changes in current assets and current liabilities are shown through the arrangement of changes in working capital.

Q-28. What is Cash Flow?

➤ Cash flow is mainly based on only one element of the working capital which is cash. It starts with the opening balance of the cash and closes with the closing balance of the cash. this is very useful for understanding short-term strategies that affect the liquidity of the business. The changes in current assets and current liabilities are shown in the cash flow.

Q-29. What do you understand by Commercial Tax?

➤ The tax that is imposed on the scheduled commercial goods and is indirectly collected by the seller or buyer against his business transactions which now includes sales, entertainment, luxury, entry, and profession is known as Commercial Tax.

Q-30. What do you mean by transfer income?

➤ When someone retains the ownership of an asset and also makes an agreement to transfer its income, but the income is considered as his income and will be added to the total income then it is known as transfer income.


So, the above income tax interview questions and answers are mostly faced by candidates. If one wants to brush up and hone one’s skills in becoming an Income Tax Specialist, one can undergo an Income Tax Specialist Certification Course. This will not only help one prepare for selection tests but will also help in facing a personal round of interviews.


The set of questions and answers will also help in answering objective-type questions. Once one gets a job in the income tax department they avail many benefits like job security and a stable income, assured pension, medical, and other benefits. 

Also, Check this Video

Recommended Reads


Ques 1. What is the purpose of the Income Tax Course?

Ans. After completing this course,  you may pursue a job in taxation in India. One may also easily file their income tax returns and comply with the Income Tax Act.

Ques 2. What is covered in an income tax course?

Ans. All subjects about income taxation in India, including computation, laws, sections, applications, filing requirements, refunds and claims, etc.

Ques 3. Which income-tax-related positions pay the most?

Ans. Some of the top-paying positions in the income tax industry include chief financial officer, associate director, senior general manager, and so forth.

Ques 4. Which credentials are required of employees in Income Tax?

Ans. 57% of the staff members have a postgraduate degree, while 15% or so have a bachelor’s degree.

Ques 5. What is an income tax return online course?

Ans. The goal of the online course on income tax returns from institutes like Henry Harvin is to provide a comprehensive structure and a thorough understanding of the analysis of all forms of ITR forms, as well as an overview of ITR forms and e-filing.

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