To begin with, Exception Handling in Java deals with error this occurs when the program is executed. It can also be mentioned as an error that disrupts the normal flow of the program.  Experienced and beginners both encounter this problem, and Java offers an object-oriented way to solve the errors; this is known as exception handling.

Further talking about, Exception Handling In Java which occurs during runtime errors and does occur for different reasons. Network connectivity issues, Wrong input data, calling a non-existent file, exceeding the memory limits of the Java virtual machine—there are also various types of Java exceptions, such as those that occur at run time, can’t be handled during compilation time, etc.


Firstly Exception Handling is of two types: user-defined exceptions and built-in exceptions. The built-in exception has two types: checked and unchecked exceptions.

Checked exceptionsUnchecked exceptions
This shows at compile timeThis shows while executing the program
The compiler identifies this type of exceptionBecause the compiler doesn’t identify this type of exception
It can be solved during compilation timeIt cannot be identified during compilation time
Ex: IO ExceptionEx: Null pointer Exception

There are various types of exception handling that fall under checked and unchecked exceptions. Now let’s see types under Unchecked Exception

1. Null pointer exception

When you call a variable whose value is zero or null, you’ll get a null pointer exception.

Below is a sample code

Below is a sample code
class nullpointerexception
    public static void main()
        String s = null;


java. lang.NullPointerException

The value of the above variable is null and hence we get a null pointer Exception

2. Arithmetic Exception

This type of error occurs when you attempt to run the wrong mathematical operation through code. Under exception Handling in Java, this error is the only one that overlaps with mathematics.

Ex: Divide any number by zero 

Below is a sample code:

public class ExceptionTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        int divbyzero = 1/0;
    catch (ArithmeticException ex) {
        System.out.println (ERROR: Divide by zero")


The above code is showing an arithmetic error.

3. Array Index Out of Bounds Exception

Few of the Exception Handling In java deal with value. This error occurs when you process an array but call a value in the array which doesn’t exist in the particular array

Exception Handling In java

Below is a sample code:

public class Example 
{ public void processArray()
 { List names = new ArrayList<>(); names.add("Eric"); names.add("Sydney"); 
return names. get(5); } }



The code gives you the above error because you are calling a value that doesn’t exist.

4. Runtime exception

If any kind of exception arises during the execution of the program, it is a Runtime exception

Below is a sample code

public class Runtime_Excp_Ex { public void Demo_Runtime_Exception () { throw new Running_Exception(); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new Running_Exception().Demo_Runtime_Exception(); } catch(Exception excpn) { System.out.println(excpn.getClass().getName()); } } } class Running_Exception extends RuntimeException { public Running_Exception() { super(); } public void Demo_Runtime_Exception() { throw new Running_Exception(); }


The error shows during execution only

5. Illegal thread state exception

 This Exception Handling In java is quite unique as it attempts to show the status of the program. Suppose you attempt to start a thread that is already in running mode and executing its functions It gives you an exception called the illegal thread state exception.

Below is a Sample code:

public class MyThread extends Thread // Creating MyThread class that is extending the Thread class
    public void run() 
	  for (int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++)

    public static void main(String args[])
        //In main() method, creating a thread object  
        MyThread th = new MyThread();

        Stating the thread
        System.out.println("Alive is Awesome");

        starting the thread again when it's already running, causing an IllegalThreadStateException.



        Illegal thread state exception

Checked Exceptions

1. IO Exception

This kind of exception occurs while reading file directories and streams. Suppose you are calling a file ‘input.txt, which has not been declared, then such an exception. Under Exception Handling in Java, this exception deals with name of the files and directories.

Sample code:

// Example of FileNotFoundException
class Test{
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Creating an instance of FileReader class
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("input.txt");

Output: error: unreported exception FileNotFoundException must be caught or declared to be thrown

    FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(“input.txt”);

                            ^ error: unreported exception IOException must be caught or declared to be thrown


                                      ^ error: unreported exception IOException must be caught or declared to be thrown



It is showing IO Exception

2. Class not found Exception

This Exception occurs when you are calling a class that does not exist.

Sample code:

// Java Program to Handle Checked Exception
Importing required classes
// Main class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Calling the class gfg, which is not present in the
        // current class temp instance of calling class
        Class temp = Class.forName("gfg");
        It will throw ClassNotFoundException


Here we are calling it  ‘gfg’ instead of ‘GFG’.

3. File not Found Exception

This Exception arises when you try to read data from a particular file under a particular class, but such a file doesn’t exist under the constructor, and this error is shown. Under Exception Handling In Java, this shows how careful you must be whenever you call a class.

Sample code:


public class FilenotFound_Demo {

   public static void main(String args[]) {      
      File file = new File("E://file.txt");
      FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);    


C:\>javac error: unreported exception FileNotFoundException must be caught or declared to be thrown

   FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);                      


1 error

4. no such method Exception

This Exception arises when we try to access elements from a set or Hash table that doesn’t have any elements.

Sample code:

// Java program to demonstrate NoSuchElementException
public class NoSuchElementException_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Set exampleleSet = new HashSet();
        Hashtable exampleTable = new Hashtable();
          //accessing Set
          //accessing Hashtable
          // This throws a NoSuchElementException as there are
        // no elements in Set and HashTable and we are
        // trying to access elements


no such method Exception

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