What is Six Sigma?


Six Sigma is a methodology aimed at performance improvement by reducing the number of defect to 3.4 defects per million items produced and thus a subsequent increase in profits and decrease in costs.It mainly targets removing the obstacles in a process which are resulting in defects.


What is Agile?

The agile method is a software development process that mainly aims to bring incremental development by encouraging rapid and flexible responses to changes. It follows a collective approach to project management which helps in reducing time-to-market significantly. Practices followed by agile can be applied to any knowledge-based complex creative development.

While six sigma and Agile exist in multiple numbers of forms and exploited on similar lines of concepts, there is a stark difference in their views.

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In Six Sigma there is emphasis on number and rigour whereas in Agile there is more emphasis on relationships, intuitions and patterns.

There is less variation expected and desired in an operational business process whereas in customer software development more variation is desired. Hence, under Six Sigma, less variability is present as compared to agile having higher variability.


Six Sigma practitioners believe that economic outcomes can be maximized by minimizing variability. And, this view is generally correct in manufacturing. 

In contrast, most Agile practitioners don’t focus on maximizing economic outcomes by minimizing variability, rather it adopts a management approach which works under the purview of variability. It recognizes the effect of innovation on economic outcomes.


Lean Six Sigma has a much wider scope and can be applied to any domain(both offline and online) of the industry.
Agile has a narrow scope and is specifically conceptualied for software development.


Six sigma is a quality management tool which seeks to eliminate wastage, customer rejections, improve process in an optimized level.

While Agile is a process focussed quantitatively in which the project will be in same page of data and team gets good clarity regarding the daily deliveries or targets and share their grievances at a common platform.


Agile and Six Sigma follow a similar Approach but there exists many differences between the two which represents a striking contrast.

It can be integrated with each other in certain projects as well but generally practitioners prefer using either of the two method as the main target to be achieved is significantly different.

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Six Sigma and Agile are the two techniques that involve multiple methodologies including tools to enhance the all-around quality of the project. 

  • Methodologies comparing Six sigma vs agile is – 

The Six Sigma methodology offers a variety of tools and techniques to improve the product’s overall quality. Product quality improves, which aids in lowering manufacturing costs. 

Whilst Agile has a stronger emphasis on project delivery, which favors an iterative approach to problem-solving. The foundational elements of Agile techniques are Scrum and programming.

  • Defining the concepts of Six Sigma vs Agile is – 

The Six Sigma determines the quality before resolving manufacturing flaws. Interviews with a variety of social groups are used to collect all the data sets. Once they have the data, the Six Sigma teams use Measurement System Analysis to identify and correct any collection problems. Every team meeting emphasizes how important it is to involve others and to be thorough.

Whilst Agile has a fundamental idea of planning and execution of the projects. This in turn helps the team members to determine the plan, scope, and design as the project progresses and teaches them to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

  • Mechanisms and outcomes of Six Sigma vs Agile are –

By minimizing the variables, Six Sigma experts always seek to enhance revenues. Practitioners of Six Sigma won’t spend more time on economic innovation, and they also ruminate on the same uncertainties.

Whilst Agile organizations utilize different management strategies that are effective when the same variables are present. This goes on to the next issue or module after accepting modifications and other unforeseen aspects of the business.

  • Variations of Six Sigma vs Agile –

Six Sigma is created in a way that it can only manage operational business management processes. 

Whilst Agile is created to manage multiple parameters involved in the software development procedure.

  • Managing process of Six Sigma vs Agile –

Six sigma is ideal for businesses engaged in large-scale projects with clearly defined requirements, functions, and processes. This involves the elimination of wastes and variations. The approach is to control quality that emphasizes lowering errors and disparities while increasing similarity.

Whilst Agile is the methodology used in projects with uncertain requirements. Here, the project is divided into scrums with short sprints. Agile program management focuses on controlling the development of software and products using iterative development techniques.

  • DMAIC and DMADV principles of Six Sigma vs Agile – 

Six Sigma focuses on documentation and strategies with the DMAIC and DMADV principles. This process involves managing and achieving similarity through the reduction of mistakes and disparity.

While Agile focuses on the interaction between team members to interact and interchange their ideas on project deliverables. It has its principle involving DMAIC and DMADV in it. This is a repetitive process involving software control and process development through repetitive progression methods.

  • Result orientations of Six Sigma vs Agile – 

In Six Sigma DMAIC projects, a significant amount of time and effort is put in by the team to discover, prioritize, gather, evaluate, and package potential process inputs that may have a significant impact on the outputs.

Whilst Agile streamlines the DMAIC process to combine, replace and refine the activities involved in the project to accomplish its delivery significantly.

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Q1. What is Agile in simple words?

Ans. Agile is a method of project management and software development that exhibit flexibility, agility, adaptability during the maintenance and development of the software.

An Agile teams work in small but consumable numerical quantity.


Q2. How do Agile and Six Sigma works together?

Ans. Agile and Six Sigma both are strategies. Agile methodology focuses on effective project management, whereas Six Sigma approach emphasize on process improvement.

Agile when integrated with Six Sigma strategy increases process efficiency and team collaboration.


Q3. Highlight the benefits of getting Agile Certification?

Ans. The Agile certification is one of the best project management certifications. Agile ensures faster quality product delivery, a better understanding of customer requirement, an increased project control, and reduction in the risk .

Agile not only ensures better customer satisfaction but also make project teams quality oriented by putting more efforts and skills .


Q4. Are Six Sigma and Agile Complementary To Each Other?

Ans. On the surface, Six Sigma and Agile approaches have different directions:
The Agile methodology emphasizes on the creativity and innovation required for the business.

  • It also exhibits the flexibility to maximize the business value of the solution.
  • Six Sigma strategy concentrates on the standardization and control processes to minimize the process variation.

If you want to understand the complementary nature of Agile and Six Sigma you have to learn the basic fundamental principles behind these two approaches at a deeper level instead of getting lost in the “mechanics” of both the methods.

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