Chrome is the most stable and dependable web browser. It is quite secure and never hangs. Here are 10 best Chrome extensions that are big lifesavers when it comes to creative content writing or publishing your content:

1. ProWritingAid


ProWritingAid is your grammar and style guide that can be used whenever you write an article, an email, or post something on your social media site. This app highlights your grammar mistakes and helps you create a flawless piece. Grammarly is another Chrome extension that checks your grammar and spelling errors.

2. OneTab

While researching for writing work, you have to open numerous tabs at one time. OneTab saves all your chosen tabs so that you can use them later. What’s more, you can arrange these tabs in Groups and even share them as a web page. With all the required information available to you, you can write a great article. 

3. Google Docs Offline

To use Google Docs, you have to be online but Google Docs Offline extension takes this hassle away. With this app, you can edit your documents, presentations, and spreadsheets even when you are offline. If you are a writer, this app gives you freedom from staying connected to the internet. 

4. Page Analytics

This tool gives you an instant idea of your site traffic including real-time visitors, page views, and click percentages. This much information is worth downloading the app as it enables you to determine which links work best for you.

5. Evernote Web Clipper

If you like to research a lot before creating your content, this extension is meant for you. You can save any desired text from the internet in the app’s folder and use it later. Just highlight the text or image that you liked and click on it to save it to the folder. It is as easy as it sounds!

6. Feedly

Writers must be well-informed about what’s happening in the political and social arena. These apps offer a daily dose of the latest news, information, and ads that keeps you updated with the outside world. You will never miss any trending topic with this Chrome extension. Feedly also helps you to deliver your content in an organized manner.

7. PageSpeed Insights 

This Chrome extension helps you to check the speed score for the webpage for mobile devices and desktop. It helps you to analyze the content of your page and gives suggestions to make your website faster.

8. Writer 

This is a must-have Chrome extension for writers and bloggers. It helps you concentrate on your creative writing by removing all distractions. The apps save your work automatically and assist with writing goals and word count. It can store unlimited documents, change the background, and customize the fonts to suit your liking. 

9. SpeakIt

This app is ideal for writers who want to rectify their mistakes quickly. This text-to-speech tool reads your chosen paragraph out loud so that you can listen to it and correct the errors. Other features include volume adjustment and choice between female and male voice.

10. AdBlock

Another great Chrome extension for bloggers and writers is AdBlock. Writing demands a lot of focus and you cannot afford to get distracted by social media and ads floating on the internet. AdBlock extension saves your time by blocking and eliminating the distractions. For a quicker and quieter writing experience, you must download this app.

Also Check,

Thousands of Chrome extensions are available for free. Choose the ones that improve the quality of your work rather than burdening your browser. A creative writing course can also assist you in writing. You will learn tips to boost your skills and get more viewers for your content.

Recommended Read:

What are the best chrome extensions for writers?

Chrome is the most stable and dependable web browser. It is quite secure and never hangs. Here are 10 best Chrome extensions that are big lifesavers when it comes to creative writing or publishing your content:
1. ProWritingAid
2. OneTab
3.  Google Docs Offline
4. Page Analytics
5. Evernote Web Clipper
6. Feedly
7. PageSpeed Insights 
8. Writer
9. SpeakIt
10. AdBlock

How to use Google Doc Offline?

To use Google Docs, you have to be online but Google Docs Offline extension takes this hassle away. With this app, you can edit your documents, presentations, and spreadsheets even when you are offline.

What is Feedly Chrome Extension?

Writers must be well-informed about what’s happening in the political and social arena. These apps offer a daily dose of the latest news, information, and ads that keeps you updated with the outside world.

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