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Medical coders perform an essential role in a healthcare system by translating physician reports into the appropriate medical codes. If you wish to become an excellent medical coder, must review Top 30 essential medical coding interview questions that can help you prepare for medical coding interviews. Good interview preparation will help you to get job in top organizations, medical institutes, hospitals and other healthcare centers.  

Preparing Medical Coding Interview Questions will boost confidence for facing the interview. You will have an idea of various types of questions commonly asked in the interview for Medical Coding  Specialist. These sample questions will assist you in demonstrating your knowledge and aptitude for medical coding. It also identifies your area of improvement so that you can focus on it and prepare well. This will enhance your chances for getting hired in top Health Care Industry.

Here are some of the most popular medical coding interview questions to help you ace your upcoming interviews.

Why prepare Medical Coding Questions and Answers before Interview

Want to grab the top medical coding job role in the best healthcare organization?  Preparing medical coding interview questions and answers before you face the interview is important for several reasons:

Demonstrates Technical Knowledge and Expertise

      • Medical coding is a specialized field requiring a deep understanding of coding systems such as ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS. Preparing questions and answers before facing an interview will help you showcase your proficiency and technical knowledge.

Increases Confidence

      • A well-prepared candidate for an interview will answer questions more effectively and confidently. Present yourself as a competent candidate.

Shows Professionalism

      • Being prepared with thoughtful questions and answers reflects your commitment and professionalism.

Enhances Communication Skills

      • Interviewers assess not only your technical skills but also your ability to communicate clearly and effectively. A well-prepared candidate not only speaks confidently but also communicates well to present as the best candidate for the job role.

Satisfies Role Expectations

      • By preparing questions, you can better understand the specific expectations and responsibilities of the role you’re applying for. This helps you determine if the position is a good fit for your skills and career goals.

Identifies Knowledge Gaps

    • Interview preparation helps identify areas where your knowledge may be lacking. This will identify the topic or area of improvement or study before you face the interview.

Medical Coding An Overview

Before mentioning Medical coding interview questions and answers, let’s understand Medical Coding. A Synonym of medical coding is Clinical coding. It is the translation of medical analysis and clinical benefits into alphanumeric codes. These are standard medical codes. The analysis and strategy codes were extracted from the clinical record documentation. These records are like a record of the doctor’s notes, lab, and radiologic results.

Clinical coding experts assist with guaranteeing the codes during the clinical charging process. Thus, abstracts the data from documentation and allocates the proper codes. So, insurance carriers can claim the case. It makes the cumbersome clinical language into easy and data-favoring codes.

Who are Medical Coders?

Medical coders are the Professionals who transform clinical reports into standard medical codes. They work in various settings of the health profession.  They code the necessary medical information for precise and consistent medical services. Medical Coders act as a bridge between clinician and client for better services.

Why Medical Coding?

After treatment from a clinician, the client needs to claim the bills of treatment. Insurance companies, To understand the procedure need some common language. So, medical coding acts as a common path. It’s a medium through which the coder gives accurate details of the procedure.

Coding Systems

There are three main coding systems:

  • Current procedure terminology
  • International classification of diseases
  • Healthcare procedural coding system
  • Codes on dental procedures and nomenclature
  • National drug codes
  • Medical severity diagnosis-related groups
  • Ambulatory payment categories

This coding set assists in the documentation of problems and treatment of the patient. The demand for Medical Coding is rising because of Hitech’s digital sources in health care. Work is much easier with the CAC (COMPUTER ASSISTED CODING) system. Medical coders are making the healthcare system more efficient. Thus, they help with a proficient healthcare delivery system.

Tips to Answer Medical Coding Interview Questions

Preparing for Medical Coding Interview Questions requires a comprehensive understanding of coding systems, healthcare regulations, and practical experience. You must be updated with various innovations and upgrades in 2024 in the Medical and Healthcare industries.

Tip to crack your medical coding interview

Understand Key Coding Systems

  • A clear understanding of various medical codes used in coding systems such as ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes. Must answer the coding questions very specifically and clearly in simple words.

Must know Guidelines and Compliance

  • Be aware of coding guidelines and compliance issues such as HIPAA regulations.

Demonstrate Attention to Detail

  • Accurate coding is critical, so focus on information details and accuracy.

Showcase Problem-Solving Skills

  • Explain how you handle challenges and manage various documentation issues such as unclear or incomplete information.

Explain Your Experience and Tools Used

  • Must discuss your practical experience and the tools you use in your work.

Discuss Your Education and Certifications

  • Must speak about your professional qualifications, credentials and various projects you have completed successfully.
  • Highlight relevant certifications such as CPC (Certified Professional Coder) or CCS (Certified Coding Specialist).

Prepare for Behavioral Questions

  • Be ready to answer behavioral questions that assess your soft skills.
  • Well-prepared with Top medical coding interview questions.
  • Focus on Areas of Improvement and study well before facing the interview.

Practice Common Medical Coding Questions

  • Practise Interview questions and answers that include:
    • Technical Questions
    • Scenario-Based Questions
    • General Questions

Tips for the Interview

  • Review the Job Description: Tailor your responses with relevant skill sets and experience that are well-matched with the job requirements.
  • Be Honest: Nobody is perfect. in case, you don’t know any answers or topics, express your willingness to learn and enhance your knowledge.
  • Be Professional: Dress appropriately, be punctual, and communicate clearly and softly.

Technically sound and good interview preparation will boost confidence to crack the interview and get a better opportunity.

Top Job Roles 

  • Medical Coder
  • Medical Coding Auditor
  • Medical Coding Manager
  • Health Information Manager
  • Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist (CDIS)
  • Medical Billing Specialist
  • Compliance Officer
  • Medical Coding Trainer/Educator
  • Risk Adjustment Coder

Top 30 Medical Coding Interview Questions and Answers

Medical Coders should code all the significant data. When a specialist treats the patient and claims for insurance. The insurance agency will need accurate information to handle the case. Clinical coders pass the data to the insurance agencies with proper data. So, It is imperative to prepare for a clinical coder interview. The candidate displays his insight and fitness for clinical coding. One can use his response to show ability and client help abilities. His response to questions can show his ability to clarify complex ideas.  Thus, one can show his mastery and an inclination for clinical coding undertakings.

There are different types of questions.

  • Question based on knowledge or skill of medical coding
  • Questions for fresh candidates
  • Question-based on experience
  • Behavioral questions
  • Question-based on the role of the Medical Coder

Common Medical Coding Interview Questions 

1. What do you understand by Medical Coding?

Thought of interviewer

The idea behind this question is that they want to know your understanding of the subject. One has to answer with calm composure.

Answer. Clinical coding/medical coding is the analysis of a patient’s clinical assertion. Professional interprets clinical conditions into standard classification codes. Insurance agencies use this interpretation to process and repay their cases. Government, medical centers, and research associations utilize the information for studies and exploration.

2. What are the three methods for sorting bill payments?


The interviewer wants to assess your knowledge and your organization’s capability.


Answer. Paper

  • Binder/Folder

  • Computerized Bill Paying

3. What are the abilities of a Medical coder?


Medical Coding Training is a sensitive field. The Profession expects the contender to have a special capacity. They should have a solid instructive foundation and comprehensive clinical wording. They should have the necessary drive to perform with absolute accuracy.

Answer. The primary abilities of a Medical Coder are

  • Great information on clinical wording, Physiology, and life structures with the essential degree.
  • A comprehension of diseases, classifications of injuries, and operations performed to treat them.
  • Capacity to get clinical and surgical reports
  • Ability to read patient charts.
  • Knowledge of coding and classifications, for example, ICD-9, CDC, and so forth
  •  Able to use PC or paper-based information management.
  • Great relational capabilities to deal with a specialist or clinicians.
  • The capacity to perform many tasks and the ability to detail.
  •  A virtue of honesty is that a clinical coder deals with private clinical documents.
  • Engaged and should have drive

4. In what clinical specialties do you have experience coding?


To know the candidate‘s efficiency.


Answer. Different clinical Specialties work with various codes. Be straightforward and clear about your experience of coding. Mention your learning interest in various coding Specialties.


 A candidate’s primary experience is in radiology, toxicology, and crisis medication. He worked as a clinical biller in a clinic. He is a quick learner. One can try his insight into other Specialties at this facility.

5. What are the various expressions utilized in clinical coding?


To know whether a candidate knows about the language utilized in the work


Answer. There are three fundamentals of clinical coding.

  • Reflection/Abstraction

Use clinical notes, research facility and radiology reports, activity notes, and so forth

  • Task/Assignments

Tracking down the proper code for every strategy and entering it into the framework.

  • Survey/Reviews

Cross-check the codes about a patient’s diagnosis and treatment. Surveys are critical. Reconsider all records before the submission of information.

6. How would you remain advanced in clinical coding and other updates in the field?

Answer. Medical care is a developing industry.  It creates new codes and best practices now and then. Disclose to your boss that you focus on continuing education programs. Also, depict your advanced techniques in clinical codes.


As an ensured clinical coder, one can focus on keeping up with the Advanced Medical Course. One can read a few industries-explicit bulletins to know the significant changes in Coding.

7. What are the practical uses of Medical Coding?


The questionnaire evaluates the capacity of your insight into a pragmatic scenario.


Answer. Medical coding has true applications. The code has a monetary perspective. Clinical coding assists with gathering information for WHO and state administration. These administrations run projects to handle different ailments.

  • Insurance agencies pay claims based on the clinical codes.
  • It assists in the billing system.
  • The Information helps with the investigations of disease patterns.
  • The Government health system can design projects to cure and control the sickness.
  • The data give statistical information on state and national health and demise cases.

8. Mention tips and rules for another clinical coder who comes to work under you.


The association anticipates that an accomplished coder should train a fresher. The inquiry helps the questioner to know their capacity to move the information.


Answer. It is critical to code all the reports. The clinical records and code must match with each other. Recollect not to add or pass any data.

Reporting the code:

  • The first code utilized the justification behind the patient’s hospital visit.
  • Adhere to the NCCI and MUE rules avoiding any coding errors. As a coder, you keep yourself refreshed with the advancement.
  • Try not to abuse or use erroneous modifiers.

9. What is the reason for choosing this profession?


Employers need to know your inspirations or goals of being a clinical coder.


Answer. A clinical coder has an extraordinary chance to work in medical services. One doesn’t need the actual interest of many medical services experts.

10. What is the number of charts, you can code in one hour/What is your capability of coding charts per hour?


Your questioner may organize an example test


Answer. I can code 2 charts in one hour.

11. What certifications or training do you have?

 Principle Reason

 Certified coders have a 20% more chance of a job than non-certified ones.


Answer. I am a certified, professional coder.

You can mention your plans to learn or certify in another Medical Coding Program.

12. Have you any 5-year plan?


Organizations need to know whether they put forth objectives. Also, want to know your familiarity with the business.


Answer. One intends to turn into a senior coder in the following 5 years. Likewise, the Candidate plans to finish his Professional Coder-Payer (CPC-P) course.

13. What would you order your work while entering billing for the patient?

Answer. Before beginning day schedules, I check the urgent patient bills. The Urgency may be like an endorsement for a prescription to go on with the treatment. Then, deal with old records first to ensure no obstructions to the treatment of patients.

14. How might you disclose billing codes to a patient?

Answer. I realize treatments can be upsetting for the patient.   So, I will deal with compassion. In addition, I will affirm the tests or treatment. I would list the codes with the related strategy. I would ask if the patient has any other inquiries.

15. How would you do after a claim rejection or denial?

Answer. Specialists or Insurance companies may deny cases. It needs to be conveyed in a patient’s document and continue with the billing process. The Questioner wants best practices for assisting a client of a denial case. It may help them with hospital expenses or continue with treatment.


I discover the reason for the case denial. It is necessary to note it on the patient’s record. I approach the specialist or insurance company.  I request them to clarify the reason for the refusal. Then, I deal with the patient in like manner.

16. What do you understand by Write-off? What is its influence on your work with clinical coding?

Answer. Write-off is one of the essential aspects, you need in billing management.  Knowing and clarifying the write-off in everyday premise proves your efficiency.


 It means to allude to the distinction between the expense and the sum an insurance plan will cover. I utilized this to explain the patient’s payable amount. I can foster installment plans. Also, I assist with settling the records for reporting and bill assortment.

17. What are your professional ethics?

Answer. An employing administrator wants to know about your hard-working attitude. This question can show an organization your longing and diligence for clinical coding.


An Expectation from a Clinical coder is a meticulous working pattern. So, explain your capability to focus on work for long hours on a PC.


I invest with full energy in all that I do. Likewise, I don’t hasten my work. I can complete huge undertakings as early as possible. I work till the finish of everyday tasks.

18. What are different Clinical Billing Codes explicit to medical care?

Answer. The kinds of clinical coding are

  • Diagnostic codes,
  • Drug codes,
  • Geographical codes

Symptomatic codes are utilized to know about the disease. Drug codes are utilized for recognizing prescriptions. Clinical coders will change doctors’ notes into codes.

19. When did you safeguard touchy data or the confidentiality of a patient? (Any incident)

Answer. Clinical coders in routine manage data (HIPPA protected). They must keep up with patient security. It is necessary to protect the firm from legitimate activity.


As a subordinate, I handled data about my firm’s facilities. I used to keep data hidden. I never talk about those with another person.

20. What are the normal mistakes in clinical coding? How would you avoid them?

Answer. Excluding adequate data for an insurance agency to handle the case.

  • Likewise, errors while entering incorrect expenses or codes.

I, regularly, take a look at my codes against the patient document. I ask the doctor for any missing or confusing data.

Specified Questionnaire about Codes

21. What do you understand by ICD codes?

Answer. It means the International classification of disease. WHO establishes an arrangement of code. It is to portray the reasons for injury, disease, and death. ICD codes are alphanumeric codes comprising 5-7 characters. It starts with an alpha character.


The ICD has two parts:-

  • Clinical code or ICD-10 CM for analytic coding.
  • Procedure coding system or ICD-10 PCS for ongoing technique.

22. What are HCPS codes?

Answer. Three Levels of the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HPCS)are

  1. The American Medical Association establishes level 1 as 5 digits. The code contains CPT codes to distinguish the clinical benefits or methods. These are the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. Level II is four alphanumeric codes containing one letter and four digits in the code. We use these codes to recognize the items, drug stores, and administrations.
  3. Level III codes are alphanumeric codes with five characters. Code starts with W, X, Y, or Z. When Levels I and II are inaccessible to determine a conclusion, level III works.

23. What are DRG codes?

Answer. DRG codes represent Diagnostic related groups. This framework orders medical clinic cases into 500 sets. DRG codes are utilized for long-term claims. It may be from the hour of admission to the hour of release. Many insurance agencies pay after following the classification system. The coder needs to take care of business.

24. What is the use of HPCS modifiers?

Answer. Coders use it when we need extra data about some treatment. We use the codes for specification.

  • To Specify the region of the body
  • When specialists are treated with many procedures in a similar visit.
  • The justification for ending treatment.

25. Which is more significant in clinical coding- a code red or a code blue?

Answer. There is no standard convention for the use of “Code” assignments.

“Code blue” alludes to a cardiopulmonary capture at many medical clinics. It doesn’t mean the same thing all over.

26. How would a medical coder prepare doctors and other staff for clinical Coding?

Answer. I will plan assignments with each of the codes. My job perspective will train them with case records. I give them input on things they missed or misconstrued. Likewise, I commend them for the right code.

27. What are your best resources as a clinical coder?

Answer. I am deliberate and careful. I appreciate my little part in guaranteeing patients about treatment.

 28. Differentiate ICD and CPT coding

Answer. The ICD is a recognized coding framework. WHO plans it for diagnosing and portraying ailments. In contrast, we use the Current Procedural Terminology coding to reveal clinical benefits.


  • Radiology, Surgery, diagnostic.
  • CPT portrays the techniques and clinical benefits.

29. Your understanding of the “J” code in clinical billing?

Answer. J code is a piece of the HPCS Code set. The codes are used for non-oral directed medicine and chemotherapy drugs. J-Codes utilized for Level II Code.

30. Any experience with a troublesome client or associate?

Answer. There was one division head who disregarded my messages and calls. I couldn’t deal with the Processing of patient documents. I began approaching them face to face to clear my questions. We had the option to develop an affinity at work.

Preparing the Medical Coding Interview: Top Questions and Answers

Q.1 What is Medical Coding?

Answer. Medical coding is the transformation of healthcare diagnoses, procedures, medical services, and equipment into medical alphanumeric codes.

Q.2 What is the purpose of Medical Coding?

Answer. Medical Coding Aims to accurately describe the diagnoses, procedures, and services provided during a patient encounter for reimbursement, statistical analysis, and research.

Q.3 What are the differences between inpatient and outpatient coding?

Answer. Inpatient coding involves coding for services provided to patients who are admitted to a hospital, while outpatient coding involves coding for services provided to patients who are treated without being admitted to a hospital.

Q.4 What is a DRG (Diagnosis-Related Group)?

Answer. A DRG is a system used to classify inpatient stays into groups that are expected to have similar clinical characteristics and resource utilization. It is primarily used for reimbursement purposes by Medicare.

Q.5 What is a fee schedule in medical coding?

Answer. A fee schedule is a list of predetermined payment amounts for specific medical services or procedures, often used by insurance companies to determine reimbursement rates.

Q.6 What is unbundling in medical coding, and why is it important to avoid?

Answer. Unbundling is the practice of separately coding components of a procedure instead of using a single comprehensive code. It is important to avoid because it can result in overbilling and may be considered fraudulent.

Q.7 What is a medical necessity in the context of medical coding?

Answer. Medical necessity refers to the requirement that a healthcare service or procedure must be reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of a patient’s medical condition to be eligible for reimbursement.

Q.8 Explain the concept of upcoding and how it can be prevented.

Answer. Upcoding is the practice of assigning a higher-level code than is supported by the documentation or medical necessity. It can be prevented through proper documentation, regular audits, and education of coding staff.

Q.9 How do you handle a situation where the documentation does not support the code selected?

Answer. In such situations, it is important to query the provider for clarification and additional documentation to support the appropriate code assignment. Coding should always be based on accurate and complete documentation.

Benefits of Medical Coding

  • Diminish and control working expenses

Today there are many coding and IT instruments. These are accessible to better cost and precision of clinical coding. Medical organizations keep away from expenses and the issues of upgrading through outsourcing.

  • Spotlight on medical care

Medical coders with AAPC Certification work for speedy and precise clinical coding. They have a profound comprehension of clinical specialties and necessities. When you outsource medical coders it helps in focusing on health services only.

  • Esteemed services

Medical coders assist hospitals with regular reporting of claims and their related progress. These reports can likewise pinpoint weak regions. Thus, expanding the general coding efficiency and result.

  • Denial of Limited case

Mistakes in information and coding can deny cases. This in turn results in income misfortunes. This, adds to the revamp of cases and creates a setback for repayment. Re-appropriating clinical coding can downplay coding mistakes. So, guaranteeing the modifications (if any) occurs.

  • Adaptability

A medical coder can guarantee the fast arrangement of clinical coding services. They ensure that the services adjust to business needs. Despite outsourcing, there is no need to stress over the infrastructure.

Medical Coding as a Career

Health Care System

  • Hospitals
  • Physician’s center
  • Dental clinics and trauma centers
  • Ambulatory surgical center
  • Mental health care center
  • Urgent care system
  • Sports clinic
  • Tele healthcare
  • Risk change company
  • Physiotherapy centers
  • Clinical laboratories
  • Career Colleges
  • Medical billing
  • Rehabilitation centers
  • Cancer registries
  • Imaging centers


  • Insurance firms
  • Law companies
  • Medical equipment and supply
  • Government federal agencies
  • IT Services
  • Consulting firms


  • Software consultants
  • Trainers
  • Trade journals
  • Bloggers
  • Healthcare school partner organizations
  • Writers, contributors, and reviewers.
  • Certification organizations
  • Exam reviewers and writers for medical coding certification

Medical Coding Training with Henry Harvin

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Henry Harvin covers all parts of medical coding in its curriculum. It deals with Medical Terminology associated with Anatomy, infections, techniques, and therapies. Training covers important aspects like

  • International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision Clinical Modification
  • Current Procedural Terminology
  • Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System

Course Details

Expert trainers offer vast knowledge about medical terms and their usage. It also covers the acronyms, antonyms, and eponyms of medical words. Also, they give knowledge about abbreviations in the medical field. They explain the confidentiality of medical reports. Likewise, there are lectures on the importance of proper documentation.


  • Training

Live online training covering various modules on medical terms and coding systems. Training gives e-learning access to videos, tools, and assessments.


  • Projects

In various fields of coding like ICD-10 CM, HCPCS, and CPT


  • Internship

It is a practical experience in Medical Coding.


  • Certification

Course completion certificate from Govt. recognizes Henry Harvin.

Extra benefits

Bootcamp – Bootcamp sessions for 12 months.

Gold Membership – 1 Year Membership of Henry Harvin

Placement – 100% placement support

Course Duration

  • 90-hour training.

  • Training is available in flexible batches.

  • Customized batches according to one’s needs.

  • There is corporate training as well as one-on-one training.


Looking at the vital role of medical coders in the field of Healthcare, there is a great career scope for medical coders. They can deal with the clinical reports. For billing purposes, medical coders make diagnosis and procedure codes. They are helping hand in boosting the income of organizations.


Their skills help to avoid bad claims. Experienced clinical coders can seek positions as health information managers or coding managers.  To have a rewarding career and growth opportunities, a medical coder works wonders. So, there is a high demand for clinical coders. Looking at the vital role of Medical Coders in the field of Healthcare, Medical academia, and reputed institutes provide upgraded Medical Coding Courses to meet the upcoming requirements in the field of Health Care.

Recommended Reads


Ques 1. Are Medical coding interview questions hard to answer?

Ans. No, if one has basic knowledge about Medical coding.

Ques 2. What are tips for appearing in a Medical coding interview?

Ans. 1. Good knowledge about human anatomy. They may ask about the locations and functions of any part.

2. Prepare Combination codes

3. knowledge of ICD 10 PCS coding

4. Be calm

Ques 3. Is the Medical coding job interesting?

Ans. Yes, it needs focus, hard work, and consistency. It offers growth in career and a raise in salary with experience.

Ques 4. Is it necessary to have a medical background in studies of medical coding?

Ans. No, but one needs to know the basics of medical terminology.

Ques 5. What is the procedure for a Medical coding interview?

Ans. It comprises the following rounds in many companies


·Interview with panel/manager

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