With an increase in the use of computer applications, new technologies are developing every day. Therefore is more scope for people to get job opportunities in these fields. Hence, BCA or Bachelor of Computer Applications is people’s most common degree nowadays. So, here is the list of the Top 10 career options after BCA in 2024. Although you learn technologies like Java, HTML, and C++ during the course, you may need to upgrade to get settled in one of the career options. Some institutes like Henry Harvin provide these courses and help you start your career among the list of career options after BCA.

Bachelor of Computer Applications is a popular course nowadays, which opens the gates to the technology world. This is more suitable for candidates who are reluctant to join regular engineering but still which to learn computer applications. A lot of career options after BCA are waiting for young aspirants.

After BCA, you can get job offers in on-campus interviews or off-campus interviews. Though the initial salary package may be small, eventually, it increases with an increase in experience and knowledge. 

However, in the olden days, people considered Software Engineering as the only job for computer students. Furthermore, a wide variety of jobs are gaining popularity.  Here is the list of careers.

List of Career options after BCA:-

1. Software Developer:- 

The first option that comes into mind after studying Computer science is to become a Software developer. It is the first choice from years among various career options. You should learn to write, evaluate codes, and learn computer languages. There are different types of software developers. Based on interest, you can choose the career option. 

2. Data Scientist:-

A Data scientist is prominent among the various career options after BCA. Most companies, from startups to Multi-National Companies, are to fill this job role. As a data scientist, you resolve data-related issues utilizing algorithms, technologies, and scientific methods. Ultimately, programming language skills and the ability to analyze problems help you to become a data scientist with a salary package of approximately 5 LPA. 

3. Business Analyst:-

A business Analyst is a person who gathers all the requirements from the client, documents them, and gives them to the software team. In short, you are the mediator between the client and the company. You require minimal knowledge of programming languages and coding. Nevertheless, requirement gathering is compulsory for every company. If you are afraid of writing codes, this is one of the evergreen career options after BCA. 

4. Data Analyst:- 

Data Analyst is a person who gathers, cleans, models, interprets, and presents data.  As a data analyst, you should know tools like Microsoft Excel, Tableau, SQL, Python, etc. There is a scope to join many IT and Non-IT companies. Minimal or zero knowledge of coding is necessary for this. Hence, if you are good at using calculations, becoming a data analyst is one of the career options after BCA.

5. Web Developer:-

Website development is a good option for many people. Life is becoming so busy that many people are using Ecommerce platforms to shop. A web developer develops a custom user interface for a business by coordinating with designers, developers, and stakeholders. There are different kinds of web developers based on company requirements, Front-end developers, Back-end developers, and full-stack developers. As a result,  web development is one of the booming career options after BCA. For this, you need knowledge of HTML, XML, or JavaScript. 

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