College students are curious about their life. They want to do things better than their adults. They have a curiosity to explore new things. However, sometimes this curiosity costs way too much when exposed to cybercriminals who lurk around looking out for such susceptible kids who can easily provide these strangers with personal information.

The college students hardly have any idea about cybersecurity and privacy that should be followed online. So, they are in a better position to become prey to hackers. The article below offers cyber security tips for students so that they can be alert how vulnerable they are to hackers:

Keep full backup of your data

Data backups remove the student’s dependency on their desktop to store files. Their data can be safe with a reliable backup system, even if their college files are lost because of malware injection. 

So, with data backups, all your important data is secure. Students can choose cloud-based data backup systems that help them access data anywhere. This wipes out their reliance on their desktop files.

With an efficient data backup system, data hacks will not worry the college students as they have required backups to continue with their assignments.

Know all about SSL certification

A college student should know the importance of SSL Certification. An SSL certificate safeguards a web connection by encrypting data transmitted between the web server and browser. 

SSL offers HTTPS encryption to safeguard websites from attacks of cybercriminals. Without an SSL certificate, cybercriminals can easily see and steal your personal data such as debit or credit card details, bank details, phone numbers, birth information, email ID, and more. 

Students should know how to differentiate between a secure and insecure website. HTTPS websites are more secure than HTTP websites. This is because the SSL certificate activates HTTPS in the browser. The certification can be for one domain, multiple domains, or subdomains.

Students can find out if a website has an SSL certificate by looking for the padlock sited in the website’s address bar. 

SSL certs are issued to the websites after thorough verification, which varies according to the validation level sought by the requestor. Certificate Authorities (CAs) such as Comodo, RapidSSL offer a range of certs to secure different permutations and combinations of domains subdomains. Therefore, investing in a Comodo SSL certificate, RapidSSL, or GeoTrust SSL Certificate is a sound step that will secure the chosen website connection.

Login with care

As teens, you want to explore everything. Many kids use their desktops and laptops to log into suspicious websites that ask them for their personal data.

Hence, it is essential to learn about different topics to know what to surf and what to avoid. Also, it is suggested to log in to your friend’s accounts with care. Though OTT’s are safe to access, your friends will ask for your personal information to access them.

Hence, it is essential not to add your credentials after logging into your friend’s account.

Update the default passwords

After reaching college, a student receives several credentials. Post-COVID, there has been a rise in online classes. However, students should remember to change the default passwords to safe ones.

They should update these passwords every six months to avoid interception from hackers. Also, a lot of data is stored in a student’s account, such as their contact details, address, etc. So, if hackers get access to them, they can use them for malicious purposes.

Make use of an antivirus

It is very important to make the students use all their devices with complete protection. Kids usually share computer games, files, pictures, music files, and videos with one another.

If the files enter the system without scrutiny, they may inject malicious malware. Antiviruses scan all the files before saving them on the desktop.

Antiviruses prevent suspicious files from entering the system, thereby keeping the computer safe from all types of cyber-attacks. Hence, it is important to install an antivirus on their desktop.

Lower social media sharing

Social media has become a major part of life. Kids or adults, everyone likes to share their daily life on social media and remain linked with their friends.

However, all social sharing is not safe. Hence, the kids should not share sensitive data such as email addresses, OTP, phone numbers, and residential data with everyone they talk to.

Do not let everyone access your accounts

Accounts hold sensitive data such as email ID, contact information, and other credentials. If the child shares such sensitive information with their friends, they are at risk of data theft.

If the friend’s account is hacked, the attacker will also have your credentials. A hacker can use this information on illegal websites or sell it on the dark web. Hence, try to keep all your information as private as possible.

Use a VPN

If you have access to your college network, use a VPN. It encrypts and secures your student’s internet traffic from getting intercepted.

Also, it is suggested to avoid using public Wi-Fi as it is insecure. Instead, you can use a VPN to secure the public Wi-Fi connection. This allows students to work in cafes and dorms without worrying about cybercriminals intercepting their information.

Use secure and strong passwords

Millions of passwords are sold by hackers on the dark web. Weak passwords can easily be cracked, exposing the sensitive data of students. Hence, a student should use a password manager to get tough-to-crack passwords. 

You can also choose an 8 character long password mixed with the alphabet numerical and special characters. Again, try unique combinations that are tough to guess.

Check your bank statements regularly

Make this a habit. Always check your bank statement once a week and go through all the entries. Delaying it may make you skip some transactions. If you notice any suspicious transaction, inform the bank immediately.

Know what to do at the time of data breach

The computers on the college campus are always at a risk of a data breach, which means hackers can easily break into your account through their network or server. Hence, you cannot do a lot about it. However, if you notice a breach in your account, change your passwords first and foremost. Then check your bank statement immediately and notify your bank. Finally, if possible, block all your debit and credit cards temporarily.

Use café computers and college computers cautiously

If you use a computer in a cyber café or your college library, ensure you don’t save any passwords. Also, ensure you log out before you leave the device. Lastly, delete all the files you have downloaded or stored on the computer.

Wrapping Up

These are some internet safety tips for college students. After going through these cybersecurity tips, you should understand the risks and threats hackers pose.

Students want to be on the internet every time, on their social media account, or for their projects and assignments. However, this may not be totally safe for them and their data.

Though you cannot avoid being online, it is time to adopt these security tips and follow them to prevent your account and information from getting hacked. In addition, the kids should research the other options for online security to boost their knowledge.Being a parent is a highly responsible job, and your first step is to protect your college kid from falling prey to cybercrime. Hence, make sure to follow all the internet safety tips to safeguard your passwords and other essential data.

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