Summer is a time we all look forward too but upon its arrival, we are often overwhelmed with the amount of time we have on our hands. It is unbelievably easy to spend a month wasting time watching TV and lying around the house. However later on we end up with little to no time and a huge workload. So, if you want to know how to  spend your summer time productively while also enjoying your time, you have come to the right place. I hope you can get some useful ideas on what to do to get rid of the inevitable boredom. 


Taking online courses

Summer is the perfect time to develop skills and improve on hobbies by taking online courses. You can also take online courses on academics offered by multiple colleges as well as udemy and coursera where you can even earn certificates on completion of the course.  

Reading a book

Reading can help with a vast multitude of things including better writing skills, increasing vocabulary , memory improvement , stress reduction and it can also affect empathy, social perception and emotional intelligence.

We gain a deeper understanding of texts and increase reading comprehension. Its a great way to have fun while doing something productive. Some recommendations of books that i believe everyone should give a read are Kafka on the shore by Murakami,  the picture of dorian grey by Oscar Wilde. the book thief by Markus Zusak and the perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chboski. 

Learn a New Language

Apps like duolingo are great for learning a new language while simultaneously having a fun time.
 The study of foreign languages teaches and encourages respect for other people; it fosters an understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature.

Taking up a musical instrument 


Learning to play an instrument stimulates the brain, improving functions like memory and reasoning skills.Some of the brain benefits of learning a musical instrument include increased comprehension and math skills, better coordination, and a greater capacity for memory. Playing music will make learning easier by involving both sides of the brain in the process.

Try painting!

Painting is a great way to express your creativity and you never know, it may turn out to be a talent.

Painting Strengthens Memory, people who frequently use creative outlets such as writing, painting, and drawing have less chance of developing memory loss illnesses as they age. Painting also allows individuals a chance to express their feelings and emotions without words.

Participating in Internships;

Internships are great ways to get experience in fields you are interested in. These tend to be very competitive for high school students but it’s worth the experience.

Try cooking/ baking

Cooking/baking is a great opportunity to spend time with your family, while also developing skills.Learning to cook will help you understand world cultures, customs and flavours. You will also learn life skills like eating healthy, budgeting your money, and cleaning.

“You’ll find boredom only when there is an absence of a good idea”

– Earl Nightingale 

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