For gym enthusiasts, the ongoing coronavirus lockdown has really messed up our fitness plans. Many gyms are closed, either as a safety precaution or as compliance to government lockdown regulations. Some gyms have started online training for their clients, but others don’t have the needed tech infrastructure to pull that off. 

If you are unlucky to be a member of a gym that isn’t offering online training, you probably are feeling demoralized right now. But you should not be; after all, quarantine doesn’t exactly mean doom for your fitness. You will still be fit on the other side of this lockdown if you do the right thing. So, instead of putting your usual routine on hold, why don’t you transition to a new routine with the following simple but effective exercises: 

1. Isometric stretches

Stretch the butt, thigh, lower leg, and torso muscles by mimicking and holding a position like you were sitting in your chair; only that the chair isn’t really there. You just need to place your hands on your desk and try to work while maintaining a sitting position. Ensure that your thighs are parallel with the floor and your back at right angles with the floor. You can try to remain in that position for a minute, and then advance to 90 seconds, 2 minutes, and so on as you improve your fitness. You can do this exercise three to five times a day.

2. Yoga

Yoga is great for both your physical and mental health; it will help you with your anxiety through controlled breathing. You hardly need any dedicated workout space to get started, plus there are tons of YouTube videos of yoga poses to work from. You can also enroll into a virtual yoga class. 

3. Bodyweight training 

If you are a seasoned athlete, blend several short body-weight exercises and high-intensity interval training to create a challenging at-home workout routine. Body weight training improves balance and flexibility. They include planks, jump squats, fast-ups, planks, skipping, hill sprints up and down the stairs, and any other exercise that engages all body muscles in a single sweep. 

4. Indoor cycling 

Riding a stationary exercise bike will get you sweating in a jiffy due to its effectiveness in burning calories and body fat. On top of strengthening your lower leg muscles and biceps, it is also great for healthy lungs and heart. It provides an excellent aerobic workout without stressing your joints. 

If you don’t have the space for an indoor gym or if you don’t have the budget for a stationary exercise bike, you can still reach your fitness or weight loss goals by riding an electric bike around your home compound. Such a bike is more affordable, requires minimal maintenance, and is as mild on your joints as a stationary bike. An e-bike is as good as a regular bike at improving your fitness despite the fact that it is pedal-assisted.  

5. Strength and balance exercises 

If you are over 50, strength and balance exercises will help you with your declining muscle strength. Try doing yoga or tai chi exercises.

6. Dancing

Dancing will get your heart rate up, clear your mind off stress and anxiety, burn hundreds of calories, and give you the clubbing experience you have been missing due to coronavirus lockdown. You don’t have to be a great dancer to get started. Just watch music videos from your favorite dance albums and try to learn the moves. You can also try the many viral dance routines that young people are posting on the app TikTok. 

7. Chair dips

These are great for chest and bicep muscle strength; both eccentric and concentric muscle contraction. Get a chair that will stay firmly in place (preferably one without wheels), sit at the seat’s very edge, support your upper body by placing your hands on the seat behind your lower back, and then stretch your legs straight forward. Now move your body up and down for 20-30 reps, three to five times a day.  


There are many online videos and fitness apps that you can rely on to supplement your workouts, especially when you have limited space at home. Some are free, some are paid, but they are all worth trying out. After all, you might be needing them even long after coronavirus is contained and life gets back to normal. 

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