Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a software program, which is included in Microsoft Office. Its features include calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for applications. It is useful in creating spreadsheets, in which the data is laid in rows and columns; and stored in the form of documents. 

It is also used to perform various statistical calculations like descriptive statistics. Advanced Excel Course is used for a variety of purposes as the data is easy to store and recover. These excel spreadsheets are secured and offer the option of setting up passwords. The main features of Excel include sorting of tabulated data, adding formulas to the sheets, inserting table, and calculating a large amount of information appropriately.


A number of marketers use Microsoft Excel almost every day, whether to analyze data, or to create chart, or to run a report to present at the next business meeting. 

Doing such tasks are time-consuming and require a lot of effort. However, Excel helps us to spend less time in selecting, formatting, and entering formulas for our data. For this Microsoft Excel have many shortcuts. In order to save time and be quick with all the work, we can use Excel keyboard shortcuts. 

What is Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is the most popular tool used across the world. The tool is used in almost every organization in the world. It is also a business intelligence tool that helps organizations handle huge amounts of data. Mastering MS Excel will help you handle other data handling tools like Power BI, Google Sheets, and many more.

What is an Excel shortcut used for? 

The most common difference between a beginner and a professional is how fast an individual works with an application or software. Having knowledge of Excel shortcuts will help you land a better position in whichever field you want to work in. You can be an accountant, analyst, surveyor, professor, architect, or human resource professional. Excel is the fundamental tool of any organization. Mostly, Small scale industries and large scale industries.

Some of the benefits you master Excel Shortcuts such as :-

More productivity

Less Stress

Less usage of Mouse

High efficiency

easy access to the toolbar.

For a beginner, it would be difficult to master or remember all the shortcuts. However, by using shortcuts instead of running your mouse continuously on screen you will get used to using shortcuts.

30 Excel Shortcuts That You Should Know 

For your reference, I am enclosing 30 Excel shortcuts that are frequently used in MS Excel.

Basic/Advanced Level Excel shortcut keys


Open new workbook

Ctrl +

Add rows and columns


Deletes rows and columns

Ctrl + S.

To save content on a spreadsheet


Select all on a spreadsheet


To start fresh line within the cell

Alt + H + D + C:

This combination will erase selected columns

Alt + A

Data Tab

Alt + M

Formula Tab


Select the text and hyperlink

Ctrl + F4.



FInd and Replace





Shift+ arrow key

Helps you to control cells while selecting

Shift +ctrl+arrow key

helps you to select entire cells with data


Helps you to take screenshot of spreadsheet

Ctrl + Shift + L+Alt + Down Arrow



Current date


Current time


Format cell




To access next sheet


To access previous sheet


dialog box to remove duplicates


To create the vlookup syntax, quickly


Review Tab




To alter the color of the font


To remove and apply gridlines

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Excel shortcut keys are a sometimes underestimated way to increase productivity when working with an Excel model. These shortcut keys perform important operations that vastly boost efficiency and speed when employed instead of hovering on the toolbar. Because most of us have a habit of frequently switching between our mice, it is crucial to be aware of shortcuts. Your editing process will be speedier and more focused if you are proficient with these shortcuts.

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