We all know that in this era of cut-throat competition among highly qualified candidates, a little extra knowledge and effort can never go to waste. But with the constant increase in demand for different certificates and know-how of various fields, the cost these certifications is also rising. 

Let’s answer a simple question — can all of us really afford it? The answer of this question can be really disheartening for a willing and eager student, but don’t worry we’ve got you. Many times we wait for some miracle to happen but we fail because we are unaware of the various resources already at our disposal. 

   Do you wish to learn or enhance your knowledge in Python but are out of viable sources? We present you with Top 10 Python tutorials for beginners on YouTube and the cherry on top is the fact that they are absolutely free! YouTube is not only a multimedia amusement application but also a great learning platform, where you don’t have to pay any subscription fee for a majority of the content.

Let’s look at some of the popular Python tutorials on YouTube:


If you are new to the world of coding then this from where you should start. This channel starts with the basic breakdown and knowledge of Python without going into too much detail, that’s what we all want right? 

The channel makes sure that it’s the audience does not end up scared and frustrated, this channel provides videos with important tips about programming, solving problems using coding language. There are videos also for your career and if still confused you can even ask your questions to the trainer and get them answered. The channel was started back in the year 2016 and has gained popularity 

YouTube Channel Link – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxX9wt5FWQUAAz4UrysqK9A


Chris Hawkes is a YouTube channel which consists of beginner level Python programming videos. One can learn about programming, web design, responsive web design, Django, Python, web scraping, games, forms applications, and more from this channel. If you are looking for free, beginner-level coding then this is your go-to place. 

This channel will act wonders as the introductory videos are easy to understand and grasp. By following the videos and dedicating a small fraction of your day, you can upskill your knowledge and solve problems on your own.

YouTube Channel Link – https://www.youtube.com/c/noobtoprofessional


It is one of the most popular channels for Python tutorials on YouTube.The channel was started in the year 2014 and now teaches various programming topics. Its playlist consists of more than 100 videos, covering topics such as core Java, Advanced Java, Android Development, Python, Blockchain, JavaScript, and many more. This channel can enhance your knowledge and take your programming abilities from basics to advance. 

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC59K-uG2A5ogwIrHw4bmlEg


It is the world’s most popular Python and Data Science platform and YouTube channel, they offer all the aspects which a developer uses or needs, They also provide videos on data science, machine learning as well as some valuable lectures regarding the use of language in data-driven products. Anaconda Inc. helps in package deployment and management of major 

Machine Learning languages including Python and R language. Many webinars, sessions, chat introductions are conducted to help students learn new Python skills efficiently. 

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/ContinuumIo


It is another great YouTube Channel to learn the Python language efficiently. This channel is not for beginners, candidates who are done with their basics and advances are recommended to learn from this channel  The videos are focused on Python 3 and its difference from the earlier Python 2 language. 

This channel also offers a brief description of Machine Learning which is enough to understand the workings and basic algorithms for Machine Learning. Sentdex has almost 1000 video and text-based tutorials including videos relating to problem-solving skills. 


With more than  4,200 videos and over a million subscribers, TheNewBoston has become the best channel for someone aiming to become a software developer. It is one of the most popular channels for free Python tutorials. It covers a range of different programming topics including developing for android and designing. 

Thenewboston uses techniques which are easy for almost anyone to grasp, making it perfect for younger learners and for those who are completely new to programming. Thenewboston also offers videos for learning HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and Java, for example. 

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/thenewboston


This YouTube channel was established with the motive to provide knowledge which is affordable. Treehouse offers videos on numerous topics including coding in Python and C#, The videos are created using easy language.

The channel’s content has a variety of web development and programming news along with helpful tips and interviews. With 12 languages being taught including HTML, CSS, Python, Java, and more, Treehouse has over 95 videos and more than 83,000 subscribers, it is one of the most popular Python learning channels. 

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/gotreehouse/


Every individual has their own way of learning and understanding things, and sometimes language plays an important role. All the above-mentioned channels were providing Python tutorials in English but this is a Hindi channel. 

For the people who are new and want to learn Python in Hindi can choose this channel with around 250 videos starting from the basic introduction, with each video having a nice pace. The videos cover each and every topic in the field of Python. 

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/Harshitvashisth


Corey Schafer is a channel running for a long time, yet it covers all the topics. This channel focuses on creating training material for software developers and programmers, at the same time it has various videos for beginners as well. 

The channel provides videos on Python, Git, programming environments, Terminal commands, SQL, programming words, JavaScript, computer science foundations, and several other tips and tricks to help and support you in your career.

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCezIgC97PvUuR4_gbFUs5g

#10 REAL Python 

Real Python is a super helpful YouTube channel for beginners. It offers a great variety of videos, explaining the step-by-step basics of Python for learners to start from scratch absolutely. 

Real Python also helps its candidate to explore more advanced regex tools and techniques that are available in Python. One will find lots of helpful videos answering various questions about starting a career in tech and much more.

YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/realpython

There are many more channels that provide amazing content on Python and other related topics. So, all you have to do is invest your time and browse through the content. If you are looking for an affordable instructor-led course then you can also invest in a Python and Data Science course offered in live interactive online classroom mode, where you can discuss issues and doubts with mentors and other peers from the comfort of your homes. 

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