Ronak Sarda - Bay Area Cricket Alliance (BACA)

Henry Harvin’s Python Development course is excellent! Even though I didn’t even know what Python was, I was able to write my functions and learn about the programs. There are a lot of video tutorials and instructions provided so even if you are using a newer version of Python and Spyder, you can still complete the coursework. There are graded assessments to test your proficiency with Python. Even though some of the problems appeared quite simple and similar to the ones in the lessons, the majority required critical thinking and problem-solving.

Throughout the course, you have access to all of the code used in each lesson exercise, which makes it easier for you to complete the graded assessments. While the course is listed as four weeks, a determined learner can complete it in much less time, so don’t be intimidated by the four-week commitment if you think that is too long. The course is excellent and I recommend it to all teens looking into computer science and programming (not just teens). It’s a great course. It’s by far a marvelous recipe for teaching Python to provide simplicity in explanations, which are straightforward, accurate, and accompanied by clear examples. Even though I have some background, I understand that I would have learned the same way if I didn’t. 

Henry Harvin and especially the teacher deserve a great deal of credit for this course. Taking this course will benefit developers around the world, and those who are just getting started will become quite proficient fast. It was a very useful course for me. In the past, I had learned how to program in Java, but only in a very formal fashion and without ever having produced anything that made sense. Python is frequently mentioned in my work, so I wanted to learn it. In addition to being highly engaging, I found the tutor’s approach to be a sensible series of steps for increasing my confidence. Instead of watching LMS, I would have preferred a more hands-on experience at the end. The final assessment surprised me, but I still learned a lot. 

Check More Henry Harvin Reviews:  TrustpilotCoursereportBibraveCoursesuggest, Ambitionbox, Quora, glassdoor, Analyticsjobs, Henry Harvin Reviews on Youtube.