Career Advice Talk to Expert

Kunal Verma, 4.8/5 Henry Harvin Data Science with R Course Review

When I completed my 12th class, I attended the workshop on Data Science. Since it was quite difficult to understand this Concept but when I got deeper into it, I was so into it and found it very advantageous and I desire to become a successful data analyst. But it was a long journey. First, […]

Daraksha Singh, 4.8/5 Henry Harvin Data Science with R Course Review

When I completed my MBA, I was quite confused about what to opt for next. Because there was a lot of confusion and thoughts going in my mind. It was job vs studies. I always wished to explore the world of data science as it is a very amazing and beneficial course. Finally, I decided […]

Tushar Sharma, 4.7/5 Henry Harvin Data Science with R Course Review

Being a statistician, it was very challenging to keep up with the updated version of knowledge and you need to have great Analytical as well as logical skills. Working for a year, I realized that I need to focus on my growth, learn all the innovative solutions and topics to get perfect in my work. […]

Aaliya Trivedi, 4.6/5 Henry Harvin Data Science with R Course Review

While pursuing engineering in computer science and engineering I was quite aware of data science. That time it was my favorite part to learn and discover. I was very interested in data science and all the topics related to it. So instead of opting for a job, I decided to study data science further. I […]

Kartik Thareja, 4.8/5 Henry Harvin Data Science with R Course Review

Being an IT professional, I have worked for years in this field. I have discovered a lot of new things during this period. One of the best things was that I got to know about data science. I was very much fascinated by this. I decided to explore more about the field of data science. […]