Chapter 1: Getting Started!


Six sigma is the tool started for the process improvement,


Six Sigma improves quality by identifying the defects in the system and removing them. It uses statistical methods and may create infrastructure for the people in the organization.

Each sigma cycle has a specific purpose –

      1. reduce pollution 

  1. increasing customer satisfaction
  2. increasing the profit margin.

The job description of six sigma professionals is now in demand. As the cost-cutting is going on countless employers are seeking to hire new six sigma professionals and they promise higher returns because they know to achieve higher returns. the implementation helps in the formation of a six sigma program. Champions are like managers appointed by the sigma team.

  1. Six Sigma professionals are hired to look after the management of the resources provided, they use analytics methods, planning, implementing, and evaluating method. They use the measurable techniques to see the business objectives,
  2. Six Sigma professionals have to use professional techniques like they have to make presentations of their work and submit. They use analytical methods and this may achieve business objectives. 
  3. Professionals who are leading the six sigma sector have to make a suitable presentation to show to their senior managers and get it approved by them. Mentors have a major role in this as before sending the documents to the senior managers the document should be sent to them to check any defects are there in the presentation.

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