Srija Narayana, 4.6/5 Henry Harvin Train the Trainer Course Review

After completing my graduation I was looking for a job, but due to the pandemic, it became hard to find a suitable job that would match my profile. I started working under a few companies, but most were either underpaid or not suitable for my long-term career plan. Then I started looking for jobs that were related to the teaching field. As I had early teaching experience I decided to jump for this career option. But the current online educational mode required a lot of experience so I decided to take training before choosing this career field.
After hearing from a friend I enrolled for the Train the Trainer course at Henry Harvin. It is a perfect course to enhance your skills as a trainer. The regular interactive sessions helped to build my confidence and gain a piece of deep knowledge in understanding how to conduct online teaching. I must say the online classes were a big advantage in this course. Our trainer was a great man who was highly experienced and helpful. We were guided in every aspect and taught from the base
At present, I am working as an English teacher in a well-known online institution. My experience at Henry Harvin helped me to gain trust and comfort ness among my students. I would highly recommend this course to every professional.
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