Sheetal Goyal, 4.7/5 Henry Harvin Machine Learning with R Review

Lately, I have completed the seventh semester of my degree. I had been working on a research paper with an algorithm. My programming skills were not that strong. In order to prove my hypothesis for the algorithm, I needed to understand and work on machine learning. Hence I went up to the head of the department under whom I was working. My professor suggested I should try to take a course online regarding machine learning to work on my minor.
After looking up I found the course by Henry Harvin Coaching Institute. It was a perfect combination of machine learning with the R programming language. I looked and found really great reviews about it. The concept of a certified program was profitable to me. I enrolled myself in the course. I think it was the best decision. It was 32 hours of live virtual training sessions. It helped me a lot. I learned everything there was to learn about machine learning.
I started to apply the skills I learned recently in my research paper. It helped in finding really important stuff about the algorithm. I was able to prove my hypothesis. My paper is under review for a few journals. There are a few journals that have already accepted it and are ready to publish it. The Machine Learning with R course even helped me in combining internal and external financial information. The program helped me in deriving logical inferences, predictive insights and improved my decision-making. I got extra skills and knowledge about machine learning and r programming language. I have got a good grasp of R and excel with everything. Side by side I worked on many different projects. I have even received a certificate. I have updated my resume. I would definitely suggest the course to everyone. If you are looking for other courses then still I would say Henry Harvin learning center is the best institute in India.
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