Career Advice

Alisha, 4.6/5 Henry Harvin Power BI Course Review

 Facing an intense financial crisis during my graduation days, I thought of catering for my own expenses by doing a part-time job. For that, I was asked for certain advanced skills. So, I thought of pursuing POWER BI, as I was a bachelor student and I needed to attend college. After exploring various institutes for […]

Pritisha, 4.7/5 Henry Harvin Power BI Course Review

I was extremely clueless about my future and career after the layoff. I was more worried as there is a job crunch in the economy due to the pandemic. One day as I was discussing my issue with one of my friends’ brothers, he recommended me to join the Power BI programme of HENRY HARVIN […]

Akshit, 4.5/5 Henry Harvin Power BI Course Review

After completing my BTech in mechanical engineering, I was left with zero placement opportunities and moreover, I was not at all interested to work in the manufacturing sector. So, I decided to go for some technical training course which would provide me with various job opportunities. Being tech-savvy I thought of doing any interim courses […]